
Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Off-Duty Santa Sighting in Seattle

Photo & Text Copyright 2006 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

Apparently when he's not driving his sleigh, he uses a red PT Cruiser to get around. I caught this glimpse of a Santa look-alike as he let his dog out to stretch its legs. Those Ray Ban's definitely hide a celebrity's eyes from a curious public. . .

12/22/06 Update: today while driving on Capitol Hill I spied this gentleman again, standing outside a cafe and wearing the same hat. Parked nearby was the same red PT Cruiser, and to my delight, on the window was painted Ho Ho Ho & Company (click the link for more info). So, he is a professional Santa, after all!


  1. on nous aurais menti, le pere noel n'habite pas en laponie mais a seattle ;o)

    one would have lied us, the Father Christmas does not live in Lapland but has Seattle ;O)

  2. :)) the santa immigrant??

    cute shot!!


  3. this is the REAL Santa hiding from the world but spotted by you! great capture!

  4. And Santa has a dog!

  5. he is doing well, thats my dream car! Great find

  6. indeed a rare sighting... his beard looks too perfect.. hmmm... makes one wonder if he is the 'real' one..

  7. This is hilarious! And the P T Cruiser is so...... red!

  8. I came back to see him again. I love this shot.


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