
Monday, December 18, 2006

4 Hours Sleep in 3 Days

Photo & Text Copyright 2006 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

These power company workers had been on the job night and day for three days when I took this shot Sunday morning. Poles snapped and wires went down over a wide area. These exhausted men got power back to this neighborhood near midnight on Saturday, then installed new poles and ran new cables. Many Seattle neighborhoods and other communities are still without power since Thursday night's windstorm that damaged homes and took lives. Hats off to those working so hard to restore and repair the damaged system.


  1. ils font un travail tres dur, mais heureusement qu'ils sont la pour tout remettre en place.

    they do a very hard work, but fortunately that they are for all to position back.

  2. There is no doubt the power company employees earn their pay after a storm. I for one am very appreciative of their efforts. I am not as appreciative of our power companies efforts. We had a similar power outage last December after an ice storm. There has been a hue and a cry that the power companies have made little effort to put power lines under ground. They have left our city just as vulnerable to power outages as we were last year.

  3. Yes, hats off to them, and emergency workers - often thankless, but essential work. And some people take it upoin themselves to abuse such workers, to take their own frustrations out. Thanks for your tribute!

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. They must be exhausted. Makes me tired to think of all their hard work.


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