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It's a pleasure to have a moment to sit by a sunny window in winter and enjoy watching the comings and goings on the sidewalk outside. Your view today includes traces of "velvet foam" left in the cup and the view of Republican St. from a window seat in Uptown Espresso in the Cascade neighborhood. Hope you are enjoying a peaceful Sunday.
Voting in the preliminary round continues through tomorrow (Monday), so if you'd like to support SDP in Metroblogging Seattle's best blogs poll go to the bottom of this link.
Seattle "Seattle DailyPhoto" espresso coffee "Uptown Espresso" Cascade "South Lake Union" cafe Westlake businesscappuccino
Great image, love the overall effect and the view out the window. Makes me want to order a coffee and pull up a chair.
ReplyDeleteThe horror! A Seattle-nite not drinking Starbucks!!
ReplyDeleteJohn, thanks much.
ReplyDeleteMing, just as in your fair city, there are about a thousand different coffee vendors here. . .The big S is just the most common and kinda cookie cutter and okay, but there's lotsa variety out there, especially the independents. Every neighborhood has its faves. Give us a peek at yours soon, okay?
I'm glad to hear that the independent cafes are managing to hold their own against *$s and the other guy (the name escapes me). I went to the homepage that you linked to: that photo makes the coffee look totally unreal, like it's made out of plastic, don't you think? Of course the most important question is whether they use Fair Trade coffee (I noticed the ad on your site). :-)
Hey Kim: thank you so much for your nomination in the photobloggies! The image quality on this is outstanding. It screams L series... Did Santa Clara deliver a 17-40 by any chance? Keep it up,
read: Santa Claus (I spent a long day in Santa Clara today...) ;-)
ReplyDeleteZ, I looked at that photo also, and thought, "ew." They didn't do that to the cap, thank goodness. As far as fair trade coffee, the cafe of choice here in Seattle is Cafe Ladro (there are several of them in different neighborhoods) which serves ONLY fair trade, organic, shade grown coffee. Many roasters here offer the option of purchasing fair trade products among their selections.
ReplyDeleteManu, thanks much for the encouraging words, but I'm still muddling along with just my kit lens. L-series soon to come, though (Santa did bring a lens at Christmas, but I took it back to Glasers knowing I had my eye on the 70-200 L with wiggle stop feature. I'm still debating if it's too heavy a lens for me to manage properly. I'm hoping to test one soon to get a real feel so I don't invest in something and then regret it. Hope being in Santa Clara was for something fun or interesting. Take care,
Just started trying cappuccinos after getting bored with lattes ... and Uptown has the absolute best IMO ... nice tribute. And good luck in the Metroblogging poll, until and unless we wind up facing off ;)