
Monday, February 12, 2007

Stripes and Square

Photo & Text Copyright 2007 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

An abstract to start the week. . . pattern is everywhere we turn. This pattern of yellow and blue-gray stripes and a square caught my eye as I was descending a north staircase at the Seattle Center.

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  1. Well seen ! Often we walk around not noticing such things.

  2. Excellent eye (as always!). I've been away so haven't caught up on visiting many blogs, but had to stop by Seattle to see you. Your past photos have been wonderful I see as well!

  3. Bravo, tu as gagné. belle photo, j'aime son coté graphique.

    Cheer, you gained. beautiful photograph, I like his with dimensions graph

  4. oh, that's a weird picture, and I like it!


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