
Monday, December 24, 2007

Death Cab for Cutie Christmas?

Death Cab for Cutie Christmas

Photo & Text Copyright 2007 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

A topiary trips the light fantastic. . .this giant bush in front of a nondescript Ballard bungalow has been sculpted into the shape of a larger than life-sized classic car, then adorned with Christmas lights. The rims, outlined in moving white lights, appear to rotate, just like spinners on the road. I thought of this band because one of its members was rumored to live on the same street as this ultimate example in green vehicles.


  1. wishing you and your family the love, blessings, and warmest cheers of the holidays. mErRy ChRiStMaS!!!

    i heart manila

  2. Just catching up on your neat photography Kim. I always enjoy visiting your blog. Way to go.

    Warm wishes to you and yours for a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


  3. voila une superbe idée de décoration de noël ;o))

    This is a great idea, decorating Christmas ;o)


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