
Sunday, December 23, 2007



Photo & Text Copyright 2007 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

These doors were so lovely that I focussed on them rather than the large and distinctive octagonal church structure behind them. This building, designed 81 years ago by one of Seattle's most notable architects, Harlan Thomas, was the home of the Seventh Church of Christ, Scientist until this fall. It was under threat of demolition until a 270 member Church of Christ congregation was able to purchase it this fall. The neighborhood is very glad that the structure will remain in lieu of four private homes that were proposed for the site.


  1. Hmm to think that someone would rather see a tacky ornate plutocrat's mansion on that spot, instead of a classic piece of architectural history. Anything for a quick buck, the mantra of modern American life and priorities. Glad it didn't happen.

  2. Contrary Canary, thanks for commenting. To clarify, the church structure had needed major repairs for a couple decades, its congregation had supposedly dwindled to 10 members, and there were no buyers for it as is. Therefore demolishing it and selling the land to a developer of four houses was the way the dice were rolling when the neighborhood got involved and things turned course. No plutocrats or mansions, tacky or ornate implied, just houses. It is really nice the building is now receiving some of the differed maintenance that jeopardized its existence and will continue to grace the site.

  3. We are all very lucky that the church was saved from demolition. It's such a lovely building, both inside and out.


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