
Friday, May 09, 2008

Holding Their Skirts Up to Dance

Holding Their Skirts Up to Dance

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

A little flora from our garden to brighten your Friday: I wait to see these every year, tucked in a back corner with some Queen Anne's Lace. I was delighted to find these coming up spontaneously the spring after we moved to Seattle. I first saw Bleeding Hearts on a hike in the redwoods of Mendocino. . . What wild or garden flowers are you enjoying now?


  1. These "Turtles in their bath" are one of my favorites too!

  2. I have so many wild flowers up and in full bloom and I hardly know the names of any of them. Shame on me. I am baffled by their names but the insects don't choose them by name. I guess they choose them by what flavors they provide in the nectar and pollen.

    This is about as nice as bleeding hearts get.

  3. I love Bleeding Hearts. I hardly ever see them here. I like almost all flowers. . .and am allergic to every one of them, too!

    Just wanted you to know I stopped by. I have an update on my blog about my surgery.


  4. I had a bleeding heart in a rare shady spot of my garden for years; I think it's too hot for them in TN, but Seattle has the perfect weather - cool and shady. This is a lovely close up, and your title is a delightful flight of fancy.

  5. I love the title of your post and I love the Bleeding Hearts.

    We don't have any wildfrowers at all right now. None. Not one, so thank you for yours; I'm enjoying your spring.

  6. Great shot. It's nice to enjoy a little color even if the skies are gray and cloudy! Happy Friday!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I don't have a flower picture, but I do have a cool beach shot on the blog... come check it out!

  9. I do love Bleeding Hearts. Mine are just budding up. Not much blooming up here yet. Well, tulips, Creeping Phlox, Candy Tuft and my wild violts and pansies---I guess I do have lots blooming. MB

  10. I am getting ready to plant!!

    I have a couple bleeding hearts in the mixture this year ;-)

  11. Some day I'll have bleeding hearts in my garden. Today I just have snow. My bleeding hearts bloom later in the season. This year, it looks like it'll be much later.

  12. My favourite flowers, those bleeding hearts.


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