
Thursday, May 08, 2008

Alki & Two Ferries

Alki & Two Ferries

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

Elliott Bay, Alki point, and Puget Sound: two ferries on the water under a gray, gray sky. Spring does not like her strappy little blue dress this year and refuses to put it on much. We keep coming and going beneath her cloud cover and chill, waiting for her mood to change.


  1. Lovely photo, Kim. It appears we're having similar weather, at least temperature-wise, since it's still often chilly here.

    Did you receive my email about getting together when I'm in Seattle end of September? Chuck is willing!

  2. Lovely prose, Kim, about our tardy spring lady and nice b&w shot across Alki point. Lived there for several years and especially miss the sunsets.

  3. This is a really beautiful shot. I have always loved to watch the ferries go by.


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