
Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Leaning on Peet's

Leaning on Peet's

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

There is a studied choreography of personal space between these Seattlites, and an unconscious similarity in pose. I imagine the gentleman in the center to be thinking, "I am NOT lookin' at his HAT. Sure, we're wearing the same exact thing and I feel mortified, but I'm not asking what store he got his at. Probably paid more than I did, anyway! No, I'll just act like I don't notice we look like twins. . .OMG, he's even standing like me!"

I was thinking that these folks leaning against Peet's Coffee & Tea while waiting for their bus are in danger of strangers trying to decorate and dress them up, mistaking them for the interactive art piece called "Waiting for the Interurban," located diagonally across the street from where they're standing. I'm sure the woman would quickly be sporting a hat, too, and some colorful version of "hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil" would be foisted upon them all.


  1. Funny post, nice shot. That sort of hat is a nice alternative for a bald guy who doesn't want to don the tried and true (but tired) baseball cap.

  2. I was thinking the same thing as I was reading your post. Funny they just happen to have the same hat and standing the same way.

  3. Human version of waiting for the Interurban for sure and they found the right corner -:)

    I think it was Ming asking if we (CDPB'ers) lived near any other CDPB'ers ... I wonder ... given the Fremont connection today and yesterday, and that I sometimes have coffee at Cafe Fiore, is perhaps you and I have actually crossed paths without knowing?

    Small world and small city.

    Love this pose, and your imagined thoughts which may be more right than you know -:) ~Chuck

  4. Kim, you have such an eye for capturing the most interesting subjects! Love shot and commentary.

  5. Thursday morning....

    I made it this morning to look at your post and then I am off for a lung test.

    I hope to be finished with all tests and back to normal by the 12th or soon thereafter.

    Your photograph is really nice, as usual.

  6. That is something isn't it?

    I wonder if they even realised that they were all leaning with their hands in their pockets and legs crossed?

    It's so interesting how humans just fall in line and just mimic each other, huh?

  7. I love this! What a great human nature study.

  8. Love this!!! yes, pure choreograohy. :) And I love that they are 3 very different people, all leaning the same way, legs crossed the same way, one hand in their pocket the same way. Well captured!!

  9. Fancy Photographers
    Fancy candid photo's
    Who knows
    Maybe people scrutinize
    the bus stop elsewhere as well....

  10. What a perfect composition that tells such a story. Well three stories.


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