
Thursday, July 24, 2008

Seafair Pirates Terrorize 58th Annual Greenwood Parade

Seafair Pirates Terrorize Greenwood Parade

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

Last evening Greenwood Avenue and NW 85th Street were lined for blocks and blocks with Seattlites enjoying a beloved tradition, the Greenwood Seafair Parade. There were drill teams, marching bands, unicycle riders, city and county dignitaries, city services and utility companies, VAF members, Masons, sports teams, neighborhood businesses, a hydroplane, sports cars, the Seafair queen and princesses, the colorful and hilarious SeafairClowns, and at the end the scary booming cannon warning of the approach of the dreaded Seafair Pirates. This nasty fellow had the children around me screaming with glee. Lots more pics here.


  1. I thought everyone in Seattle looked like that?

  2. Love portraits and this one is priceless; he has such penetrating eyes!

  3. Seafair! I was so terrified of these guys when I was a kid. In fact, that one? Still pretty scary.

  4. Oh yes, I'd be scared too. Great portrait.

    Thanks Kim so much for your comments on Menton today. Means a lot coming from you. I'd heard of Zazzle and must look into it. Really appreciate the suggestion.

  5. It's a great picture. Looks like something out of a Disney movie -- you know, the ones that leave children in tears.

  6. Yikes, I don't know which is scarier, the eyes or the teeth! I'm scared too. Great portrait, Kim!

    PS What is Zazzie, s'il vous plait? Inquiring minds want to know.

  7. Reminds me of an ex-boyfriend. (I kid, I kid...)

    Great capture, Kim!


  8. OMG =) just like my dental work.

    Thank you for sharing.


  9. Wow, I hadn't heard of this Seafair before. Sounds like a lot of fun for kids and adults alike!

  10. Ooh, fun! Where can I get contact lenses like that? ;) My nieces would have loved that parade—and I would too!

  11. Jim, LOL regarding all Seattlites looking like that: Only before our morning coffee! And Laurie, too funny.

    Thanks for commenting, everyone, so fun to hear from you. And Chez Shoes . . .their loud canon had everyone jumping.

    Virginia, Zazzle is a company that can print images on just about anything. Paris Daily Photo has created a few items for purchase using Zazzle.


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