
Friday, July 25, 2008

Ship Shape

Ship Shape

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

Colorful and all left in good order, right down to their carefully coiled bow lines, I came across these little 8' El Toro center boards, just like the ETs and Sabots my husband learned to sail on as a kid in the Newport Beach, CA Parks & Recreation program. Only theirs weren't tricked out with flames and bright colors! I spied these old summertime friends of many children up on the dock at the Center for Wooden Boats while out for an evening walk. Wishing you all a good start to a great weekend!


  1. I love them! That orange interior would be my first choice. I started a sailing class in Santa Barbara years ago, but had to quit it to take a job. After a few weeks, my paychecks started bouncing! No more job, and no more sailing. Bummer.

  2. I just wish we were closer to water. Most any kind of water would work.

    I did note that the boats are all made different too. The bracing inside.

    Have a nice weekend.

    Abraham Lincoln
    —Brookville Daily Photo

  3. First, my apologies for a bit of cut and paste commenting. I have been doing the rounds via Bloglines and looking at all the pictures from my favourite photo blogs, but haven’t been leaving comments. Generally, I try to comment as much as I can (I know how good it is for ‘morale’ to know that someone is out there appreciating them), but after the birth of my second son, I am a bit knackered to think up something witty and insightful on the hop. Thus the resort to Control+C and Control+P!

    Kris from Hobart, Tasmania.

  4. How pretty! There is just no end to the wonderful sights you find to post! Living by the water anywhere has to be such a great pleasure.

  5. I love the Center for Wooden Boats! This is a beautiful shot and reminds me of the cute and colorful boats you see in the small villages in Italy.

  6. Talk about vibrant! I love the Center for Wooden Boats!

  7. Such divine colors - looks like jelly beans on the dock.

  8. Love the colors here, Kim! So bright and summery!

  9. Oh, the colours, I love them! So cheerful and eye-catching. And yet, so stoic and serene. Fabulous catch today.

  10. Beautiful photo, Kim. Geometrical and architectural in its own way. You have a fine eye for this type of composition.

  11. I see you like strong colours like I do. Fantastic shot!!


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