
Thursday, October 30, 2008


Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

A child-sized masked mannequin on display in Molbak's sported a black cat Halloween party hat. A small girl of three or four years wearing a Snow White costume (who declined to be photographed) was eying it carefully, not quite sure why it had no arms or if it might speak to her at any moment. You know what's REALLY scary? Just a few feet away from this pleasant fellow were about a dozen separately themed areas of thousands of Christmas ornaments! AHHHHHHaaahhhh! It's all coming at us too fast! ;^)


  1. Run, run for the hills! I haven't lost last years Xmas kilos yet....

  2. I positively hate it when holiday ornaments appear too soon....and what happened to Thanksgiving, for that matter? They just hopped from Halloween to Christmas! Too commercial and no sentiment. But I do like your photo!

  3. Do you remember when there was an outcry about taking the "X" out of Xmas?

  4. Oh no, not again! :) Nice capture and description of the scene.

  5. Nice shot of the mannequin.
    Would have loved to see the little Snow White, too.

  6. Cool photo! I can just picture the little girl who was a bit freaked out by this. And you gave me my second Halloween scare today by talking about Christmas. (The first was checking my 401(k) for the first time in a while. Ouch.)

  7. that was my exact thought at Michael's today, when I walked down the Halloween sale aisle with singing Christmas mimniature house thingys singing at me on the other side. I love Christmas, but this is RIDICULOUS.

  8. The mask is on up-side-down :)


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