
Friday, October 31, 2008

Seattle Halloween Jellies

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved. No use, downloading, alteration, reproduction or republishing in any media.
I came across the most inventive costumes of all that we saw tonight in our wanderings around Seattle (and there were some DOOOSIES!). These five women had designed and engineered their original gossamer jellyfish costumes, fashioned from bamboo rods, paper, translucent fabrics, bike helmets and plastic food containers, and ribbons. Everything was illuminated by blue hue LED lights which they had strung along the canopies and clipped to the streaming parts. They seemed to be floating down the street toward a costume party when we spotted them in Fremont. Check this out if you want to see some details of how these fab five friends created their graceful floaty jellies.


  1. Oh my gosh, these are just wonderful. I'm completely taken in by them. I would have loved to have been there.

  2. Those are awesome! I'm going off to link to this!

  3. Wow, that is very creative, I love it! I wish I'd gone to Fremont on Halloween. I was up on Broadway, and though there were a lot of creative and fun costumes that we saw, from pictures of the festival in Fremont, I think I would've had more fun there.

  4. What great costumes! And, a great photo of them.

  5. I love jellyfish, so of course I love these costumes! Very inventive!

  6. How creative! Thanks for posting this. Halloween sure brings out the creative spirit in a LOT of people!


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