
Tuesday, December 23, 2008

May I Help You?

May I Help You?, originally uploaded by penseroso.

photo and text © ervin vice

Cats are as big a draw as the books at Twice Sold Tales on Capitol Hill. When my wife and I decided to visit the store's new location, it was partly to see how well the cats were adjusting. Our impression was that they had settled in very nicely. In fact, it seemed that every time I turned a corner and headed down a new aisle, another furry assistant approached me with a friendly smile before turning, tail in the air and back arched jauntily, and leading the way. I half expected one of them to offer a few suggestions. I presume they hid all the copies of T.S. Eliot's "Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats". They're not going to let just anyone get their hands on that title.


  1. Somehow cats and books just go so well together! Lovely photo, love cat. :)

  2. I trust you know all about Dewey? I just posted about him (rest his kitty soul)):


  3. What a beauty! We have a cat in our city used bookstore too.


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