
Monday, December 22, 2008

Warmer Days

originally uploaded by penseroso.

photo and text © ervin vice

I measured eight inches of snow in my yard from three different readings in three different spots. My scientific conclusion is that we got a dumping.

I remember rejoicing in snow when I was a kid. Living in places like Buffalo and New Hampshire, I had much rejoicing to do.  With adulthood I have come to loathe it. Perhaps age has thinned my blood, weakened my flesh and dimmed my spirit. Suffice it to say, winter gets the better of me now, and I flee from it in terror.

I found these street performers down at Pike Place Market one afternoon last summer. This shot makes me think of warmer days. It's a welcome respite right about now.


  1. As I told Chuck, I woke up in the hospital, turned on the weather channel and saw your snowfall.

    The photo reminds me of oversexed folks reveling in the mud at their good fortune.

  2. I'm not really a big fan on snow my self, but one good thing about it is that you can get some good winter photos every now and then.

  3. I'm with you on the snow feelings. I just wanna stay inside. I have my two young grandsons here while they are on winter break and they are living outside in the snow while I look at them and feel the cold wet and freeze. We have 3ft of the stuff. MB

  4. Great image. Warms me up too!

  5. The great thing about snow in Washington is that EVERYTHING shuts down... So, if you're lucky - you can get out of work (even as an adult) and if you're brave - when you go out on the roads they are basically empty. We made the trip up to seattle yesterday and think we probably made it there faster than if it hadn't snowed. There were probably less than 20 cars between Tacoma and Seattle... We made record time!

    From one Northwesterner to another.

  6. Hmmm, well I don't get out of work that easily. I'm expected to work from home in conditions like this. Also, with the roads as bad as they are, I can't get out to do any photography. This is one of the reasons I find the snowfall so frustrating.


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