
Saturday, January 03, 2009

A Sound Garden

Sound Garden

Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing. No copying or use allowed.

A little bit of Seattle history for you today. This art installation, located on the grounds of the NOAA research center in Magnuson Park, is (as far as I know) where Soundgarden got their name. The sounds it makes when the wind is blowing is very eerie and strange, but amazingly beautiful. It was near freezing today with the wind chill, so I figured it would be a good day to experience it.


  1. Gracias por su visita y comentario en mi blog. Sus fotos son preciosas.

    En mi blog ya existe un traductor en la barra lateral (Google traductor). Espero que le ayude.

  2. Wow Shawn, this is great photography and an interesting story. I confirm that it was cold yesterday, but NO RAIN! How great a day was that?!

  3. Cool. I didn't know that. Perhaps time to listen to some of their songs now.

  4. I've been here and love to listen to these installations.

  5. Interesting. Never heard of this before.

  6. I love installations like these. What kind of noise did they make.

  7. What a cool idea! What part of the city is the park located in? Didn't know about it.

  8. It is very neat. You hear the sounds before you see anything. If fact you don't need to see a thing. Just listen. MB

  9. I wish I visited here - gorgeous spot and photo.
    The work is by Douglas Hollis He has an installation at Port of Los Angeles also that I caught in the photo of Vincent Thomas bridge. Palm Axis asked about it & I had to find the artists name.


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