
Sunday, March 15, 2009


Photo & Text Copyright 2009 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

Every Sunday night at 9:30 for the past 50 years the office of Compline has been publicly celebrated at St. Mark's Episcopal Cathedral and broadcast live on KING FM, Seattle's classical music station. (Podcasts are here.) The Compline Coir of fifteen men sings the prayer service which includes music from many periods and styles, including plainsong. The half hour observance is free and open to the public, and is sometimes followed by an organ recital. It is a Seattle tradition that has inspired similar public Compline choral observances all over the USA. People from all walks of life attend and are welcomed, whether people of faith or secular, whether neighbors from Capitol Hill where St. Mark's is located, or university and high school students from all over town who pack this service. The atmosphere is hushed and peaceful, yet a blend of extremely casual "come as you are, sit anywhere, even the floor, lie down if you'd like," and the most reverent and contemplative of observances. During this christian season of Lent, the services are especially well-attended. Here you see a portion of the choir which has just assembled at the back of the cathedral. I took this with my iPhone around a pillar just as their entry processional ended and they were placing their music on the stands. The lines on the floor are part of a labyrinth and the shadow on the wall is cast by one of the round art deco pendent chandeliers.


  1. I would love to hear them singing. I can envision it though. BTW, I am glad you are enjoying the Chihuly art on my site. I have more coming up. It is such fun art work to photograph. If you want to see more of the desert exhibition, just click Chihuly on the labels section of my site. It is a small world that you share the same salon. His art is so inspiring but I really like it in the cactus and desert environment. I will be posting Chihuly eye candy over the next few months. I have gone back at the Desert Botanical garden and photographed it numerous times both in day and night shots to get some fabulous photos.

  2. Very calming photo. I'll go check out the podcast. I'm having flashbacks to being an Episcopal acolyte though.

  3. This is a very peaceful photo that helps define the setting that you describe.

  4. I was confirmed as an Episcopalian three years ago by Lord Carey and no Compline is one of my favorite services, so soothing and deep felt. Isn't it wonderful that they want you just as you are.


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