
Saturday, March 14, 2009

Beach Path

Photo & Text Copyright 2009 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

Sunny day to enjoy a walk on the beach yesterday. This curvy path out to the Sound looked inviting. We have a new rain storm in today, so the snow-capped Olympic mountains in the distance will probably get more of a dusting.

Four of my fave City Daily Photo Bloggers are celebrating significant anniversaries this week: Eric of Paris Daily Photo, the very first of our circle of dialy photo blogs, is celebrating four years of bringing us his unique and wonderful scenes of Paris. And Bibi of A Yankee In Belgrade, Benjamin of Victoria Daily Photo, and Elaine of Willits Daily Photo each are marking one year of daily posts. I invite you to explore their wonderful sites.


  1. Love the curves...and the B&W.

  2. excellent composition, you have the line of the path just right leading usright through the picture.

    Also really like the chair near the center makes a nice resting place for the eye.

  3. From a photographer's point of view this is one of your best. Really inviting image and proves that monochrome works eqaully as well in landcapes as urban. Great shout out for those blogs too.

  4. I love this beach path. very interesting and inviting.

  5. your leading lines are great.

  6. Beautiful composition, also a mountains path!


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