
Friday, March 13, 2009

Pond at Golden Gardens

Photo & Text Copyright 2009 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

A cyclist pauses on the beach path between the pond at Golden Gardens and Puget Sound to take in the view on a sunny day. We both watched a flock of Wigeons flying about raucously in a mating display. The ducks were not impressed :-).


  1. Interesting. I am surprised the ducks didn't get the same idea.

  2. I like the bottoms-up duckie.

    Thanks for your anniversary wishes. I actually heard about the CDP community through Eric (who else?) when I was researching info on Paris for a friend for an upcoming trip. She'd never been there. I went up to meet her last Feb (2008) and soon after I began to blog. I saw your photo of a Smart car, and sent you two Smart cars squeezed into one space in Paris. That's how we "met"!

  3. I love the symmetry of the sound and the pond. I love the play on reflections, both water reflections and the reflective posture of the cyclist. But what's a wigeon?

  4. I like the fact you waited for the right moment and caught the duck diving for food sticking his butt in the air. Wasn't a "duck's ass" a type of haircut? Oops, I think I might be showing my age.

  5. Was the duck hiding his head in shame. LOL Neat shot. MB

  6. hello

    do you know what's happened to noxalio? is he alright?

  7. I think there was a shot and somebody said "Duck!"

  8. Your duck comment made me laugh. Flat out gorgeous and perfect timing on the dive.

  9. The cutest duck's tush I've ever seen!

  10. So serene! Reminds me of Coulon Memorial Park.

  11. Love the biker's pose. Perfect. I think the duck is looking for love in all the wrong places.

  12. Good catch on the duck dive! That picture could have almost been taken here on the other side of the country.

  13. Silly ducks! Sunny days are the best.


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