
Monday, June 15, 2009

End of the Work Day

End of the Work Day

Photo & Text Copyright 2009 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

Heading home on foot or by car, this is downtown Seattle at the end of the workday. The waters of Elliott Bay and the hills of West Seattle are visible in the background. The traffic is from an exit of the Alaskan Way Viaduct. If I worked where I had a view of the bay, I would find it very distracting. Happy Monday, everyone. Now, get back to work! :-)


  1. I love, love, love seeing all of these pedestrians. Great shot.

  2. This so looks like SF! Of course we would need Alcatraz in the background instead of all those wonderful evergreens but the sentiment is there.
    Great shot!

  3. Great shot. Looks like everyone is glad to be going home. Have a nice night.

  4. Wonderful sunny Seattle photo! Too funny that I had the exact initial reaction as Karen re how much this looks like SF minus Alcatraz. However you seem to be getting more sun these days than we do!

  5. Great slice-of-life. I too would be distracted by a view, but inspired at the same time. I once gave English lessons to an executive in a large firm in Bellevue....the entire office around him, and his, had no windows... Reminded me of the casinos in Las Vegas where there are no windows, no clocks...dehumanizing.


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