
Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Baguette Box & Epi Center

Bagette Box & Epi Center

Photo & Text Copyright 2009 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

Between Peet's Coffee & Tea and the shadow of the distinctive Epi Center Apartments in Fremont lies the fabulous Baguette Box where you will find some of the yummiest eats in town. A sandwich at Baguette Box is never mundane and always a treat.

Our City Daily Photo Blog community is rich in good friends. Among us are three young Iranians whose blogs I hope you might visit and read their thoughts and feelings during these uncertain times in their beloved country. One is in the capital city of Tehran, one is in the second largest city, Mashhad, and one is formerly of Mashhad and now a grad student in Portland, Oregon. These are just ordinary nice people, enthusiastic about photographing their cities and sharing them daily like the rest of us. They and their friends and families are experiencing an unfolding and uncertain drama, and they could use our best wishes and our prayers for a peaceful resolution to the outcry for full election disclosure. Amir, Sarah, and Meead, we are thinking of each of you and Iran with our hearts.


  1. An amazing shot. An important message. Thank you, Kim. Amir, Sarah, and Meead, our thoughts are with you, your families, your friends, and your country.

  2. What an angle ~ and what a funky design on that shopfront. That's really something, Kim.

    Hope and peace to all.

  3. Interesting angle. I am a fan of Peet's coffee and love baguettes, so I would have to try a sandwich and pick up a coffee from Peets.

    I sympathize with the Iranians during this troubled time and hope restraint and moderation comes to their country soon.

  4. I have been trying to follow them as best I can recently. I'm with you. They could certainly use our thoughts and prayers right now.

  5. I've eaten at the Baguette Box and can vouch for the sandwiches' yumminess.

    I am about to go 'visit' Meead.

  6. Love the perspective really brings out those bold colours. Those 3 bloggers are a lesson to us all. I think it was Dan or Dan too who blogged from Iran who abruptly stopped a few months ago sensing what was about to happen. My world is so sedate compared to their turmoil.


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