
Thursday, November 05, 2009

Lines & Reflecton

Lines & Reflecton
Photo & Text Copyright 2009 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.
Several SDP visitors have mentioned living here for years and not yet visiting the Central Library. It is an amazing space inside and out, and you will enjoy going just to do a self tour of the place. I was trying to get a shot that contained strong graphic elements and reflections when this trio walked past me into the scene and peered down from this third floor overlook down to the first floor. If you'd like to see what they saw, click my More Seattle Stuff page.


  1. I can't get enough of these shiny shots!

  2. Fantastic photo!!!congratulations!!

  3. Your photograph is amazing just as well! And of course i clicked to see the view below! Cheers Kim!

  4. What Bibi said goes for me too.

  5. I took one look and thought, "Darn, i wish I'd gotten that shot!!!!" LOVE the red,

  6. I "envy" you this shot!
    very nice!

  7. OK. I'm convinced. Good rainy day activity. Thank you, ma'am!

  8. Kim, this has terrific composition, line and color. I think the building is a knockout. Love the tee shirts they sell (or did when I was last there) that say "I Read In A Koolhaus."

  9. We toured the library when it was fairly young. I love it, and I thnk I would live there if I were a Seattleite.

    I'm walking again next week--this time in Arizona because I messed the Seattle walk. Meeting you last year was fun.

  10. looove the colours on your photos.

    keep warm!


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