
Friday, November 06, 2009

Skywatch: November Storm

November Storm
Photo & Text Copyright 2009 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.
I took this shot of Seattle's skyline and I-5 in the rain yesterday evening, looking out from Capitol Hill. We had our first good storm last night with lightning, hail, wind, downpour and thunder claps so big they shook the house and sent the kitties scrambling for cover. It's Skywatch Friday and you can see skies from all over or contribute a photo of your own by clicking here.


  1. Beautiful street shot! I love the clarity really showing the wet weather. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Super shot, Kim. I haven't been to downtown Seattle for a few years. Now my Mother misses the big city but I can't say that I really do even though it is where I grew up itching to get out to the boonies.
    Thanks for visiting my blog. MB

  3. I've been stuck in traffic on the freeway many times! Love those express lanes though! Great action shot with fine lighting...

  4. Hi- that is a really cool photograph. I think it looks a bit manic there! I love the skyline there in the back as well.

  5. I can just imagine the scent of rain and the sound of the tires on the damp road. Such an evocative image.

  6. So were you sleepless in Seattle last night?? Sorry , I couldn't help myself!:)

  7. Thanks very much to each of you for these very kind comments. I appreciate your dropping by for a peek at Seattle.

    V, I may be again tonight. It is our 2nd thunder storm of today, with lighting flashing even as I type this. Counting from the flash to the thunder, it seems like the front is about 10 miles away right now. At noontime I had heavy hail pelting that collected like snow in the garden. It is only raining hard right now. The thunder last night woke most people. Luckily no power outages that I've heard so far. And the skies cleared for the big memorial for our slain police officer, murdered on Halloween while he and his partner were filling out paperwork parked at a curb. The Space Needle has a special flag and thousands paid tribute today. I wish I had been able to get down their to snap a photo. I'm hoping Chuck did.

  8. Great horizon, skyline, movement in this photo. I'd love to have seen where you were standing/sitting!

  9. I always like photographing from this vantage point. Such nice lines. Hope to see you and Wayne tomorrow evening.

  10. Nice, nice, Kim, and I wish I were there, rain or shine. We've had snow already, but it didn't last!

  11. Your lovely photograph brings back wonderful memories of the year I lived in Seattle. Thanks so much for reminding me of what a great city is really is.

  12. Nice shot Kim. Very evocative. How many times was I the lone driver in one of those cars, going home to Ballard after a hard day of work? Hundreds at least, maybe thousands. I've spent more time on I-5 than most people have spent in college.


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