
Thursday, January 07, 2010

Rainier Tower & Taxi

Rainier Tower & Taxi
Photo & Text Copyright 2010 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.
A night view looking up University Avenue reveals the lighted base of Rainier Tower (full view at More Seattle Stuff) and beyond it the revolving 5th Avenue Theater sign. The lights in the bare street trees are still keeping things bright on this dry winter night, and I loved seeing their sparkle on the taxi's window.
Big thanks go out to Ree, a photoblogger from Little Rock, Arkansas, who became the 300th person to sign on as a Follower of SDP through Google Friend Connect, and thanks to all of you who have been following, subscribing to the RSS feed (over 2400 of you!) and visiting and commenting regularly. What a wonderful community!


  1. Terrific urban night shot. Congratulations on your 300th follower!

  2. Nice night shot. I love the fact that the little white lights adorn the trees downtown year round. It always makes me feel a little Seattle magic to be there at night for dining, theater, dance, concerts, whatever.

  3. I love its gravity-defying curved base! And the city lights, of course. :)

  4. Rainier Tower, with it's tiny base, has always seemed to defy the rules of gravity. I've always been partial to this building and my hat is off to the architects and engineers who designed it!

    I agree it's nice to see the little lights in the bare trees downtown. Glad they are still there and not only during the holiday season.

    Congratulations on your stats!

  5. Many congrats on your 300 followers, Kim. No surprise to me with the quality of your photographs and commentaries that explain everything so beautifully and personally.

    I just love the lights and colour in this shot. it's so vibrant and full of life somehow.


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