
Wednesday, March 10, 2010

iPhone Wednesday #34: Seattle Treescape

iPhone Wednesday Camera Bag Helga
Photo & Text Copyright 2010 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.
On a walk to the library yesterday we passed under some curbside cherry trees in full bloom. Seattle is awash in pastel blossoms right now, from plumb trees to forsythia. For this iPhone shot I pointed straight up above my head with the sun shining through the clouds above the tree. I then used TiltShift and Camera Bag apps to edit quickly and uploaded the shot to my Flickr photostream with an app called FlickIt. You can see four other treatments using different apps on my Flickr page. Petrea of Pasadena Daily Photo got a different perspective on trees in her iPhone shot for today, and check out Ming the Merciless' iPhone Wednesday offering at Bangor Daily Photo. Maybe you'll be inspired to start using your camera phone for more than snaps :-).


  1. This is like a wonderful piece of fabric, Kim.

  2. oooo, Brattcat, you KNOW I'm a fabriholic, don't you?! :-) thanks so much!


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