
Thursday, March 11, 2010

Theme Day: 5 Years of the "Tenin Perspective"

Photo & Text Copyright 2009 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.
Today Seattle Daily Photo lifts a hot cup of it's finest Seattle java in salute to Paris Daily Photo's 5th Anniversary. Eric "Friendly Parisian" Tenin marks 5 years of daily posts today. He's the guy that inspired so many others around the globe to join him in posting one photo a day from their cities. I happen to have one of Eric's most beloved images on a coffee mug, so while I was sitting in the garden this morning, I thought I would try making an image of it using two "Tenin Perspectives" I've noticed often on PDP: point of view from the ground, and image slightly askew. Eric is a wonderful guy, and I hope you will go over to Paris Daily Photo and wish him bon anniversary, too! Many other CDPBloggers are also featuring images inspired by "The Tenin Perspective, Click here to view thumbnails for all participants. Congratulations Eric!!!!! Thanks for all the happiness you have brought these 5 years in keeping us connected to Paris and to each other.


  1. And a big MERCI Eric for paving the way for me to meet my friend Kim who has inspired me since i started this wacky blog journey!

  2. That is an remarkable way to celebrate this day.

  3. one euro by year is to little


  4. Oh brilliant! Kim. What a shot and such a beautiful tribute to Eric. I think of friends I have made because of CDP, some I've been lucky enough to meet and others, like you, I've not yet met but we have a friendship I value - and one day I so hope we do meet. And again, thanks so much for suggesting this tribute for Eric. A great idea.

  5. Thanks for the nicest ever comment on my blog, Kim.
    And your shot is just SO Seattle. Ya know? MB

  6. I like your 'mug shot!' :)

    Fine tribute.

  7. By the Kim: I love this word "Blogoversary", it's very good (the right word don't come easy to me)

  8. Great idea for a photo Kim.

    I'm on my way out now, will try to shoot a few Tenin style photos.

  9. A great smiling mug in homage. Very teninesque!

    Thank you from me also, Kim, for driving this special Theme Day. It is very much appreciated.

  10. love the 5 euro note - thanks Kim for suggesting this special theme day - I hadn't anything until last Saturday when I took a few shots with my phone and the one I nearly didn't take turned out to be the most appropriate.

  11. Can we drink a toast to Eric with coffee? Mais, oui, after all it is Seattle.

  12. Great example of the Tenin Technique, Kim - and nice tribute to Eric!

    «Louis» didn't show an example of the Tenin Technique, but he did give Eric and PDP a birthday cupcake.

  13. You are a very clever woman, Kim!

  14. Kim, how wonderful. Eric's photo, which you have on your coffee mug, is the photo I attempted to duplicate in my tribute to Eric. Actually, I attempted to duplicate the technique Eric used in taking that photo. Specifically, standing on a chair and taking the photo from above.

    Also, thanks for your kind words you left in your comment on my PhotoBlog.

  15. The best of both worlds, Kim, with Seattle coffee and Paris scenery. Inspired choice. I, too, have to thank Eric for connecting the dots and bringing us all together. An amazing world we share today!

  16. Bonjour Kim,

    Before I go to bed I want to thank you so much for this post, this photo (great mug!) and your always nice comments on - and about - PDP.
    Love from Paris.

  17. Wonderful tribute, Kim. What a great way for all of us to say thanks to Eric.

  18. Love your coffee mug diagonal, great framing and fitting homage to Eric and PDP! Cheers Kim!

  19. very creative Kim. and perfect for the tenin theme day

  20. What a perfect tribute within a tribute, Kim!


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