
Friday, March 12, 2010

Skywatch Friday: Ship Canal Bridge Silhouette

Skywatch Friday: Ship Canal Bridge Silhouette
Photo & Text Copyright 2009 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.
A freeway runs over it. A very long freeway. Sometimes a very slow freeway. I was standing on the University Bridge when I took this sunset shot of the nearby taller I-5 Ship Canal Bridge with it's streams of north-south traffic. To see this enormous span under construction in 1960, check out these photos from Seattle's Municipal Archives Flickr page. The Interstate 5 Freeway stretches from the Mexican border through California, up through Oregon and Washington to the Canadian Border. See more skies aroung the globe at Skywatch!


  1. I love the silhouette. Great shot.

    All the best
    Regina In Pictures

  2. Yummy sky color with this silhouette.

  3. Would make a great poster. Just stunning!


  4. I, too, find something extremely compelling about bridge substructure. This is a beautiful composition, Kim.

  5. Love the abstract composition..the silhouette of the bridge against the colored sky.

  6. Nice shot. I've always liked that view of the bridge.

  7. This is another incredible shot, Kim.

    I wanted to thank you for your kind words on my blog yesterday. Right back atcha, girl! I love to visit your blog for your brilliant work and wonderful heart. Thank you for continuing to uplift, inspire and challenge me.

  8. A gorgeous shot! Seattle has some nice views any time.

  9. Thanks so much to each of you. The gentle gradation from orange to blue was what caught my eye, and I'm glad you enjoy the image. Wishing you all a great weekend!

  10. «Louis», too, likes the gradation in color.

  11. I like the graphic style and the beautiful light. Very nice!


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