
Thursday, May 20, 2010

13th of Paris

13th of Paris
Photo & Text Copyright 2010 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.
A new play will open Friday (with a discounted preview today) at the Seattle Public Theater at the Bathhouse on Greenlake.  I thought several Francophile Friends (you know who you are) and dear Eric in Paris might enjoy the Paris reference. A postal carrier was just entering the door as I was walking past, and it was starting to rain.


  1. Are you going to go and se the play?

  2. Thank you postal carrier for helping to make the shot so good.
    I wonder what it's about... :-)Oh, I mean ze play of course!

  3. «Louis» would buy a ticket to this just because of the name!

  4. Haven't Googled the play yet, but can't help wonder if it's about the 13th arrondissement! Good shot; postal worker adds to it!

  5. Hi Kim. I am so old I think when I was a kid that actually was a bath house. LOL MB


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