
Friday, May 21, 2010

Maximus Minimus Howdy

Maximus Minimus Howdy
Photo & Text Copyright 2010 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.
Yesterday the Queen Anne Farmers Market opened for the first time this year. We were nearby and walked over as vendors were setting up. In drove the distinctively different colossal street food truck, Maximus Minimus. It's license plate reads "Some Pig," and it is. Here the driver and cook gives a wave. The menu is short on items, long on quality (sweet or spicy pulled pork or veggie sandwiches, doctored with Beecher's Handmade Cheese if you like, house-made slaw, house-made chips and house made hibiscus or lemonaide iced drinks). Thus the name. To see what I had to eat and for lots more photos of the Queen Anne Farmers Marke kick off for 2010, please check out my More Seattle Stuff page and my Flickr site.


  1. What a great pic - "some Pig" reminds me of Charlette's web!

  2. Every cool city needs one of these.

  3. But I don't think this is at all what Charlotte (or E.B. White) had in mind.

  4. Stacy and Brattcat. . . right you are about the literary reference. Actually I think this vision is more in keeping with something out of a Pixar flick and taking street food from the urban hot dog cart to the max of imagination. The whimsy makes everyone smile.

    Steffe, does this mean Seattle is COOL!? :-)

  5. Some Pig! harrrrrrrrr I do think they were thinking of Wilbur, but I"m a die hard 3rd grade teacher! LOVE this trailer. I had a Bar b que sandwich today. It was "some pig" too! :)

  6. What a hoot! (Or should that be OINK?!)

  7. Cool shot, cool car(?), cool guy. The vehicle could be a nice piece for the pig's museum in Stuttgart if it will be out of order ;))


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