
Monday, June 07, 2010

Seattle Flash Mob Aerial Magazine Cover Shoot

Seattle Flash Mob Airiel Magazine Cover Shoot
Photo & Text © 2010 Kim- Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved; no use, alteration, reproduction or republishing in any media.
. . .in the shape of a heart. Seattle's dynamic Flash Mob community switched gears from the usual arrangement of stealthy showing up at a prearranged location to dance a well-rehearsed intricate choreography (like here and here--you've gotta watch these! :-) ). Instead they posed on the green grass of Gas Works Park where a helicopter with a photographer on board made a dozen or so passes while Flash Mobsters dressed in red formed variations of a heart on the green (and very WET) grass of Gas Works Park. One of the shots will appear on the cover of Seattle Met' magazine's upcoming "Things to Love About Seattle" issue. So, yours truly is going to be a cover girl ;-), along with 250 other folks. I found out I cannot do a "Glee"style jump quite as high as these folks were practicing, but had lots of fun trying. Whole families and large groups of friends turned out to participate on Sunday afternoon, despite the rain.


This was the view from within the heart looking toward the bottom point as people waved at the photographer who was hanging out the door of the helicopter. Below is a preliminary iPhone shot taken early on from the air and sent to the leader on the ground, who showed it to me on his iPhone. (Photo use courtesy of Seattle Met). This is such a fun city to live in!


  1. Unique, nice and very creative! :)

  2. What fun. I always knew you were a cover girl Kim!

  3. How much fun was this?!!! Thanks for sharing a bit of it with us. I can almost pick you out there in that last shot. ( :

  4. Oh, that's so cute, and I would have recognized you anywhere! :)

  5. Nice pictures, great work, happy to see..

    I love those flash mob dances. It must be so much fun to be part of one. The red-pink heart shape from above is a beauty !

    (Sadly I found your post on World News photos :-((((( )

  7. ha, what a great idea?

    I'd prefer to be on the ground, myself. Very cool location.

  8. What a kick! That was great fun to watch. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Thanks so much dear blog friends! I know how limited time is to visit around and leave comments, so please know how much your words are appreciated :-).

  10. So totally cool. I'd love to be part of a flash mob but have no idea how to get connected to one. In the meantime, I'll live vicariously through your experience.


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