
Sunday, June 06, 2010

Sunday Bridge Series #9: 520 Floating Bridge

Sunday Bridge Series #  : 520 Floating Bridge
Photo & Text © 2010 Kim- Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved; no use, alteration, reproduction or republishing in any media.
Don't tell anyone, but this is a drive by shooting and I was behind the wheel coming home from Bellevue, camera balanced on the dashboard :-). I was surprised it didn't have the serious shakes. That dramatic sky just couldn't be missed, though!

There are two floating bridges across Lake Washington linking Seattle with the communities on Mercer Island and the Eastside. This is the 520 Floating Bridge from Medina to Seattle (officially called the Governor Albert D. Rosellini Bridge—Evergreen Point). It is the longest floating bridge in the world. You can read about its anticipated changes here. And to see all participants in Louis la Vache's Sunday Bridge Series, click here.

Here's a shoutout to IAMHANNAHMARIE for becoming the 400th "Follower"of SDP through GFC in the little widget in the sidebar. Wow, that's a lot of folks. Thank you for your visits!


  1. This is spectacular but please don't do it too often. I'm glad nothing untoward happened as a result...only a fabulous image.

  2. You should try this more often. Great result!

  3. This turned out well! The highway must be smoooooth! :)

  4. Super shot. Familiar shot and looks great in Sepia. MB

  5. Dramatic sky! A floating bridge? that's quite intriguing!

  6. I like the color of this photo. Did you do something to it?

    A very cool bridge too!

  7. Fantastic photo! The sandwich of the sky, city, and the looong bridge is wonderful :D

  8. I've done that, shhh. What a beautiful photo. Good Job!

  9. wow, this is a stunning drive-by photo--great result! i didn't know about this floating bridge in Seattle--googled it, and i remember seeing the high-rise part from the University of Washington. have to look for my photo.:p

  10. I won't tell anyone but ……. never mind. :-)

    Nice banner by the way.

  11. The old dashboard as a make shift tripod? That shot is pretty still for being a moving shot. I take shots too from the car while my husband is driving....yup, can't help myself either. Lovely!

  12. I've done that occasionally - some shots are too good to miss!

    This one is spectacular. Just look after yourself though. Taking countless pics of the ceiling of a hospital room is no fun at all !

  13. Great shot! One thing about all our rain is that it keeps the windshield clean enough for this type of photo work! :)

  14. No shake AND a clean windshield. Very dramatic sky, indeed. Drive-by shots would make a good meme theme. Except we could be accused of promoting scofflaw-ism. If there is such a word. And there is that unfortunate association with urban crime.

  15. Ominous to say the least. Now that's a sky we've seen quite a bit lately.

  16. Great shot! One of your finest. I love the airplane. It makes the whole shot work.

  17. So glad you're not a scooter rider -:) That technique could be hazardous to your well-being!

    Love your houseboat header photo ... very nice, Kim.

  18. Very dramatic, very lovely shot. Great work, Kim.

  19. Ha, glad to see you're into drive-by shootings, too. This is a stunning shot... Well done.

  20. wonderful in sepia. I don't blame you, I'd take the photo, too.

  21. Oh may I gush?? You always amaze me and serve as an inspiration on a daily basis. Thank you my friend.


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