
Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Theme Day: Fountains & Letterpress DCFC

Make it a Double

Photo & Text © 2011 Kim- Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved; no use, alteration, reproduction or republishing in any media.
Passing a shop window I spied this beautiful two color poster for a past Death Cab for Cutie concert. I have long admired letterpress prints. An artist named Tim printed this, and I'm sorry to say I could not make out his last name, but very much admire his work. Since I had alluded to some DCFC lyrics in  yesterday's post, I thought you might enjoy this follow up.

Update:  gosh, I've been so busy I forgot it was the first of the month and a CDPB theme day! The theme is fountains, and the top photo above is titled "Make It a Double." The drinking fountain near the oft photographed sculpture in Kerry Park is a popular stop not only with neighbors out for a run, but for their pooches, too. There is usually a water bowl just next to the fountain for the canine crowd.  To see how others interpreted the theme, probably with far grander fountains of all types :-), click here to view thumbnails for all participants.


  1. We have a friend who does letter press prints. I went over to his studio to do a four-color silk screen. It was really difficult to line up the prints for each new color.

  2. It's not the grandest fountain but I like it for its simplicity and humanness.

  3. The months just keep rolling by don't they?


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