
Monday, May 27, 2013

Before the New Buildings Went Up

IMG_9002 by Seattle Daily Photo
Photo & Text © 2013 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved.
This lot across from Kerry Park Overlook sat vacant for many years. They have just finished the very attractive buildings and I walked by them last night and thought of this shot, a view I'll not see again. Someone must have sprinkled wildflower seeds about and so bright poppies and bachelor buttons adorned the wild green space. You may recognize the rest of the view :-). I'll try to show you what's there now later this week. It is Memorial Day in the USA, a national holiday in which the fallen in war are remembered. Yesterday was Decoration Day when families and organizations decorate the graves with flowers, wreaths, flags and tears.


  1. Hey Kim, How are ya?
    Nice shot. What is there??? I see a lot of building areas out this way where someone plants wildflowers until the land is used. Good idea. MB

  2. I like your subtle use of the chain link fence around a Monet poppy field. Bit of irony.

  3. Nice one and the poppies 'pop' out. Good seeing you today!!

  4. Nice to see an non-traditional, alternative view of the Space Needle - well done!


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