
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Bike In the Window

Bike In the Window by Seattle Daily Photo
Photo & Text © 2013 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved.
A lot of Seattlites cycle around for pleasure and to commute, despite our killer hills and sometimes very wet weather. Here's one Capitol Hill apartment dweller's resourceful use of space for keeping the bike stowed when not out on the street. Bike as decor, it's an urban aesthetic :-). Would your partner/roommate/family members complain if you stole this living room window storage idea? :-).


  1. LOL, a great find and I quite like the idea! My significant other solved the storage issue by getting a folding bicycle - it looks like a Looney Tunes bike:)

  2. I've seen bikes hung on walls and suspended from the ceiling. Somehow I think I wouldn't like one in front of the window... Put it on wedges and use as an indoor exercise bike? :)


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