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My husband once worked on the Eastside of Lake Washington at a design firm near Microsoft before he started law school. He would ride his bike across town to the last Seattle bus stop before the 520 floating bridge, stow the bike on the front of the bus for the trip across the lake, then get off at the first stop on the other side and complete the bike ride into Redmond. I understand a bike and pedestrian lane is planned for the new 520 bridge slated to start construction next year. I took this shot of bikes on board a bus in the Ravenna neighborhood. Metro Transit is wise to offer bike racks on its buses. They are so well-utilized that sometimes the rack is full and you have to wait for the next bus. The Elliott Bay Water Taxis to West Seattle also take bikes on board.
That is a nice looking bus, and all clean and spiffed up for something. It is way ahead in design and function I would say. I like the idea of providing a bike trail.
l'idée est très bonne, j'aimerais qu'il fasse la même chose a Évry, car quand on veut prendre le bus avec son vélo, bonjour les dégâts
the idea is very good, I'd like to do the same thing has Evry, because when one wants to take the bus with his bicycle, hello damage
I'm planning to give this a try next week. I live about 20 miles from where I work. I would love to commute by bicycle, but a 40 mile daily ride is just too much for me. I'm going to try to bus part way to work and then ride the rest and the same for the trip home.
I had no idea ,you could do that!!
I don't think they offer that in NY.I have never seen it.
What a splendid idea..My son would love that!!
I recognize that corner! Near the store that sells international goods?
Nice shot...Good sunshiny day!
I used to do the same thing when I worked in Kirkland. It was always frustrating to me that I paid a premium bus fare for simply riding the bus the couple of miles across the bridge (two 'zones').
A bike lane on 520 would be nice.
Enjoying your bike theme, Kim. Great photos and good, useable info on getting around in the city. Thank you.
And thanks also for stopping by. Appreciated the comments about the love of your dad's paella. It's near the top of my favorites list and like you, I like to try certain favorites wherever I dine out. So many good ethnic spots in Pike Place Market alone.
I've read in the newspaper that, since gas'price is getting mad in France, more and more people take the train with their bike to go to work and let their car in the garage... But, like Olivier says, in the bus it's very difficult.
I love that photo and love the idea of being able to cycle to work. I wish NYC is that bike friendly and that I have a job where I can bike to.
I've never been to Seattle but I feel it's a cool place to live. Frankly, if I were in NYC, I would probably live in Seattle.
I have been enjoying your bike theme the last few days.
Not many bus companies here offer a service like - don't know of any in cities but a few in rural areas but the bikes are always carried on or in the back, never on the front which would be considered hazardous.
Hello Kim,
This blue-orange bus looks really cool.
Boston also offers this type of bike rack on buses that my sons use very often, but our buses are not that attractive though!
Great pic, Kim, promoting public transportation :-)
A bientot,
Happy Father's Day to your better half.
Happy Father's Day to your better half.
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