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Sub Pop record label's flag is flying high from the Space Needle this weekend in celebration of 20 years of this Northwest label's artists and their amazing music. The two day concert line up at Marymoore Park is enjoying absolutely perfect weather. The label that brought the 80s and 90s Seattle sounds of Green River (members of which went off to make music in Pearl Jam & Mudhoney) , Mudhoney, Nirvana, and Soundgarden to the the wider world has continued to sign talented musicians and popular bands such as the Jesus & Mary Chain, the Postal Service, Modest Mouse, The Thermals, The Shins, Flight of the Conchords, and Fleet Foxes, among dozens of others. I'm sure you've heard at least the names of some of these bands, and if you've never taken a listen, I'd suggest starting in way popular turf with giving The Shins a spin here. I took this shot last night from Capitol Hill looking west at about 8:30 PM and the temp was still in the high 70s F. Hope you are enjoying a fabulous weekend!
I came via the Abu Dhabi/UAE Daily Photo blog and I'm glad I did. I have never been to the west coast, but it looks beautiful and your blog is very informative..
This weather has been amazing hasn't it?
Another great shot by you!
Stunning sky!!! When I first saw the photo, I thought it was taken in the morning. Wow, what a bright sky at 8.30pm! Love this shot!
God, twenty years!?!
I am getting old!
(Wonderful image, by the way.)
Super, super photo! And just yesterday Mama and I watched "It Happened at the World's Fair," that Elvis movie set in Seattle. The Space Needle and the arches at the Pacific Science Center got some good screen time in the movie, just like they have in your photo.
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