
Thursday, July 31, 2008

I Will Jump Stuff


Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

Frankly, I think he was under charging for his abilities ;^). This sk8tr had a great idea and his jumps were super. How many of us wouldn't like to earn income while practicing what we love? I just paid him a buck for a photo op, though. He was disappointed that I didn't want to shoot him in action, and thinking on it now, that probably would have been a great idea. I liked his KEXP t-shirt and sign and wanted to capture what I saw as he passed me. Some of my Flickr friends (Hi Steffe!) are taking a challenge of making 100 portraits of strangers. It requires one to interview the person and include the info with the photo, though, so I'm hesitant to try it.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Songs of Innocence & Experience

Songs of Innocence & Experience

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

The expressions and gazes of the two visible figures facing my way in a crowd of festival goers brought to mind the Blake title. A band playing in a style somewhere between ska, funk, jazz and rock had just ended their set on the music stage and had wowed the crowd on Ballard Avenue. (Click photo for clear image if it seems degraded).

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Hanging Out

Hanging Out

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

A father and son playing at the Ballard skate park bowl when all the sk8trs had abandoned it for the day. The boy would slide to the bottom, run around a bit, then dash quickly to get enough momentum to scramble up to the lip. Sometimes he would succeed unaided, and other times dad would assist in pulling him out. . .or dangle him back down again to his delight. My inner-mom's note to self: take time to play and connect everyday before they are outtahere.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Serious Sky

Serious Sky

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

Although we had 80 degree weather today, the clouds have rolled in. Even the structure of a construction crane can look downright beautiful with a backdrop like this. I hope wherever you are on the planet, and whether it's summer like here in Seattle or winter down under that you're enjoying your own piece of blue, dramatic sky.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Ballard SeafoodFest


Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

In the heart of the neighborhood that brings you The Deadliest Catch comes the 34th annual Ballard Seafood Fest this weekend. I went last night and it is worth a drive from anywhere for the $8 alder-smoked salmon dinners prepared by expert Ballardites. Plus the streets are filled with crafts, art, heritage, music, beer and wine gardens, sustainability and community information, kids' activities, and lots more food as well as all Ballard's many fine restaurants and interesting shops. And have I mentioned the alder-smoked salmon, cooked on 22nd Ave NW with the smokers tended by workers from Ballard Oil and Pacific Fisherman Shipyard? Oh man. . . :-)

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Taproot Theater's "Big River"

Taproot Theater "Big River" Cast

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

These are the actors that portray "Jim" & "Huck" in Taproot Theater's hit production of the musical, Big River. Geoffery Simmons & Robbie Fowler got a night off the boards to be parade marshals at the Greenwood Seafair parade which passed right in front of the theater on NW 85th Street. I think I've seen Geoffery Simmons, a widely acclaimed local stage actor, out and about in the Queen Anne neighborhood. He seems to be as charismatic a personality off the stage as on.
Today there are so many events going on in Seattle, its hard to choose which to explore. The Capital Hill Block Party started last night, the Ballard Seafood Festival is today, and the big Seafair Torchlight Parade is downtown tonight. So, I wonder what you'll see pictured here tomorrow?

Friday, July 25, 2008

Ship Shape

Ship Shape

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

Colorful and all left in good order, right down to their carefully coiled bow lines, I came across these little 8' El Toro center boards, just like the ETs and Sabots my husband learned to sail on as a kid in the Newport Beach, CA Parks & Recreation program. Only theirs weren't tricked out with flames and bright colors! I spied these old summertime friends of many children up on the dock at the Center for Wooden Boats while out for an evening walk. Wishing you all a good start to a great weekend!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Seafair Pirates Terrorize 58th Annual Greenwood Parade

Seafair Pirates Terrorize Greenwood Parade

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

Last evening Greenwood Avenue and NW 85th Street were lined for blocks and blocks with Seattlites enjoying a beloved tradition, the Greenwood Seafair Parade. There were drill teams, marching bands, unicycle riders, city and county dignitaries, city services and utility companies, VAF members, Masons, sports teams, neighborhood businesses, a hydroplane, sports cars, the Seafair queen and princesses, the colorful and hilarious SeafairClowns, and at the end the scary booming cannon warning of the approach of the dreaded Seafair Pirates. This nasty fellow had the children around me screaming with glee. Lots more pics here.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Seattle's Green Roofs

Seattle City Hall

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

No, it's not the architect's model; this is Seattle City Hall seen from the top of the Smith Tower. I've shown you other features of this civic complex from time to time, but this gives you the full picture of this Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design "LEED" Gold certified "green" campus. Yes, that is grass on the roof (the same architects helped plan the Ballard branch of the library, which also has a living roof).

Just yesterday ground was broken at the parking lot across 5th Ave. from Seattle Center to begin construction of Seattle's newest complex to be built to LEED Gold specifications. It's the 900,000 square foot campus of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The $500 million project includes a brilliantly planned visitors center and two six story office buildings. Iincluded among it's key "green" components are living roof systems like the one on the new multistory parking structure for Seattle Center, which is already finished and now open. The new Gates Foundation headquarters will be completed in 2010 and visitor center will open in 2011. Considering all the green grassy roofs popping up in Seattle, maybe Ma & Pa Ingalls' little soddy by the banks of Plum Creek was architecture way ahead of its time. ;^)

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Robin Williams on Location

Robin Williams on Location

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

I was running errands yesterday in the Wallingford neighborhood and happened by one of the filming locations for World's Greatest Dad, a film starring Robin Williams. I don't know if the staff, a neighbor, or a fan put up this sign in a yard opposite the entrance for the film crew where wardrobe and dressing trailers were parked, but someone was wishing Mr. Williams a happy 57th birthday. As a side note, if you'd like to see the gorgeous vintage Corvette that belongs to one of the film crew (he was kind enough to let me get a nice shot of it) click here, put on your sun glasses and cue up the theme music from Route 66.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Curving Color Abstract

Curving Color Abstract

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

I thought we'd start out the week with an upward spiral in this abstract. If you recognized this detail as the curved side of the 2nd & Seneca Building in downtown Seattle, you would be right! (Also known as R2D2 or Ban Roll On Building.) I loved seeing the turquoise, blue, gold, yellow, black and gray curving bands of geometric forms and their qualities of transparency, reflection, and opacity

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Nothing But Blue Sky

Nothing But Blue Sky

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

While walking downtown I looked up to see the setting sun warming what looks to be travertine marble tiles on this building's facade, while the cool blue sky seemed to pass right through the building. No post processing of this shot, it's what my eye saw through the lens.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Pow Wow in Discovery Park

Sunset Totem

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

This is the weekend a visit to beautiful Discovery Park high above Puget Sound will also bring you in touch with the pageantry, dancing, foods, arts, and community joy to be found at the Seafair Indian Days Pow Wow. United Indians of All Tribes is gathering for this 22nd Pow Wow and invites the public to camp out overnight or come for just a day. All around Seattle we have daily reminders of the first peoples of the area and the revived and living traditions that honor them and carry forward the traditionally rooted art of the Northwest Coastal tribes. I shot this twilight silhouette of a totem pole in the Haida tradition. The 60 foot tall 1984 untitled cedar carving was designed by renowned Quinalt/Isleta Pueblo artist and UW professor of American Indian Studies, Marvin Oliver, and carved by James Bender. The pole has been viewed by millions of people and is a memorial honoring Seattle architect and civic activist Victor Steinbrueck. A detail view is here.

Friday, July 18, 2008

3 Day Bite of Seattle

King Salmon on Mascarpone Grits

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

Imagine sampling seven different fine restaurants' creative culinary offerings for under ten dollars and knowing your dollars are going to feed the hungry. If you tour "The Alley," just one of many attractions at this weekend's Bite of Seattle at Seattle Center, you can do just that. It's Seattle's popular 3 day summer food and hospitality celebration featuring 50 restaurants and 30 tasty food products, celebrity chef cooking demonstrations, "Just a Bite" portions of chefs delights, confections, down home barbecue, foods from every culture, even ice cream, chocolate dipped strawberries and shave ice. From family restaurateurs to celebrity chefs, everyone will be dishing up good things to try. There are also beer and wine gardens, comedy and music performers to enjoy.

Just to tempt you with the type of fare Seattle has to offer, here's a Pacific Northwest classic I recently enjoyed, prepared Dahlia Lounge style. This is King Salmon on marscapone grits, amazingly delicious and my kind of comfort food. Dahlia will be dishing up Slow Smoked Pork Butt with Sweet Corn Chow Chow as their Bite offering in The Alley on Saturday. Bon appétit,

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Kind of Blue

Kind of Blue

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

You remember that old blues song, "It Takes a Worried Man to Sing a Worried Song" which ends in the line, "I know what a worried mind can be"? Well Seattle's home town bank, the sixth largest in the nation, is singing a blues all its own right now. Washington Mutual has built two distinctive high rises on the Seattle skyline in the past 20 years. This is the new WaMu Center at twilight reflecting the incandescent blue sky around it. WaMu recently announced layoffs of thousands of employees, and because of further plunging stock prices last week bringing year long losses to over 90%, its customers have become a bit anxious, some moving accounts this week, and others shuffling funds to make sure they are not over the FDIC insured amount per account. A friend mentioned that bank clerks were remaining super cheerful and helpful despite their trademarked Whoo hoo! turning to Boo hoo!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Your Only Clue

Your Only Clue

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

Looking for a bite to eat after a downtown photowalk we ended up at Kells, but the scene was lively across the alley on the deck at the Pink Door. The restaurant is known for its mysterious lack of signage, just a pink door in a gray wall of Post Alley. This is the first I've noticed this invitation/directive posted on the door (larger view here). Their outdoor dining space above the Market makes this Italian restaurant and bar a very attractive destination for locals and visitors alike during the summer months.All through the year it is a popular romantic dinner date destination, and fans of live cabaret and burlesque entertainment crowd in for their late nite shows.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

She's Gone

She's Gone

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

I saw this guy quietly praying or crying in Post Alley Friday night, the very portrait of all our inward sorrows. My sweet mommy died yesterday afternoon. Thanks for your many kind thoughts and wishes during her illness.

Gone from mystery into mystery
Gone from daylight into night
A little bit deeper into darkness
Closer to the light

Closer To The Light ~Bruce Cockburn

Monday, July 14, 2008

Bastille Day In Seattle

Bastille Day In Seattle

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

Seattle knows how to stretch out a party! Bastille Day festivities started last Friday night and went on all weekend long at the Bastille Day Festival 2008 held at Seattle Center. It wouldn't have been complete without a Bal des Pompiers at Fisher Pavillion on Saturday night. Many of Seattle's wonderful French restaurants will be serving up celebratory dinner and lunch fare today and here's the scoop on where to go. I passed this announcement marked on Campagne's window Friday night in the Pike Place Market area. Salute to all our City Daily Photo blogging friends in France (click here to see them all), and French expats everywhere!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Sub Pop Celebrates 20 Years

Sub Pop Celebrates 20 Years

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

Sub Pop record label's flag is flying high from the Space Needle this weekend in celebration of 20 years of this Northwest label's artists and their amazing music. The two day concert line up at Marymoore Park is enjoying absolutely perfect weather. The label that brought the 80s and 90s Seattle sounds of Green River (members of which went off to make music in Pearl Jam & Mudhoney) , Mudhoney, Nirvana, and Soundgarden to the the wider world has continued to sign talented musicians and popular bands such as the Jesus & Mary Chain, the Postal Service, Modest Mouse, The Thermals, The Shins, Flight of the Conchords, and Fleet Foxes, among dozens of others. I'm sure you've heard at least the names of some of these bands, and if you've never taken a listen, I'd suggest starting in way popular turf with giving The Shins a spin here. I took this shot last night from Capitol Hill looking west at about 8:30 PM and the temp was still in the high 70s F. Hope you are enjoying a fabulous weekend!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Hello Big Boy

Hello Big Boy

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

This is Bob. Bob is an icon from my childhood. He used to stand outside Googie style roadside establishments called Bob's Big Boy Restaurants. My family stopped at one on a road trip and I remember he was taller than me, taller than my dad, even. Well, I met him again the other night, only he was peeking at me from an antique and collectibles shop window in Seattle's Cascade neighborhood late at night. I feel an episode of the Twilight Zone coming on. . .

Friday, July 11, 2008

The Orange Panther?

The Orange Panther?

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

The Seattle Streetcar came purring around the track at South Lake Union while I was out walking. It was separated from the pedestrian walkway I was on by only a foot-wide bedding of flowering lavender. The brightly colored streetcars started rolling through the Cascade neighborhood at the south end of Lake Union last December and were lovingly dubbed the SLUT, for South Lake Union Trolley. Sacrebleu! The cars come in Jolly Rancher colors of red, purple, and orange, and I especially like the photo-graphics of the Space Needle featured on the exteriors (left rear in this photo). Input from neighbors in Capitol Hill, Fremont, Ballard, and the Univeristy District is currently being sought about planned streetcar route expansions through those areas. Hop on board and REALLY expand the route to Melbourne, Australia, where we can wish John congrats on two years of Melbourne in Photos today!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Nitelite Neon

Nitelite Neon

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

I liked seeing the turquoise and red of this vintage metal and neon sign for the Nitelite, an old school style dive bar and restaurant in downtown Seattle. It does a good business as its next to the Moore Theatre and is known for its inexpensive drinks. It was used for location shots in two 1991 River Phoenix films, Dog Fight with Lily Taylor, and My Own Private Idaho with Keanu Reeves .

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

9 PM 9 Block View Up Pine Street

9 Block View Up Pine

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

It's 9:00 PM and you are looking up the 9 block grade of Pine Street from 3rd Avenue to Melrose. This view cuts straight through the heart of Seattle's downtown shopping district and over the cut of the I-5 freeway corridor to Capitol Hill where Pine angles to the right and becomes E Pine at Melrose. I know you'll recognize that change in pavement ahead. It 's those jazzy zig zag patterns that mark Westlake Center, a plaza area which is like a community gathering place on special occasions and during demonstrations. It is bounded by 4th and 5th Avenues. Prominent among the signs you can see are those for the Monorail, Mexico Cantina, Pacific Place, the Hyatt and the historic Paramount Theatre. Macy's and Nordstrom are tucked out of sight on the left hand side of the street. Summer sales bring shoppers out on these warm, bright weeknights. For another view, see my More Seattle Stuff page.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Mark Twain!

Mark Twain

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

No, not THAT Mark Twain! Today Seattle Daily Photo marks two years of consecutive daily posts. Thanks to all of the many supportive visitors who have made it a daily habit to drop by and add their special comments, and to the very helpful CDPB family, many of whom dedicate enormous amounts of time and expertise to bring the whole world closer, one city at a time.

I invite you to help celebrate SDP's 2nd Anniversary by taking a minute to explore a few photos from the archives listed in the sidebar to the right. Pick a year and a month and check out some sights you may have missed, or find out which CDPB friends were the very first to leave comments. The City Daily Photo Blog community has grown from about 5 blogs to over 300 since that influential moment in autumn of 2005 when I first stumbled across Eric and Paris Daily Photo in the blogosphere. I started SDP long after I'd caught the daily photo viewing habit. Just as I was about to launch SDP, another Seattlite named Rose went live with her own SDP, and only one blog per city was allowed at that time. When Rose stopped a few months later I was given the go to start. That was 732 posts, and over 150,000 viewers from 160 counties ago. Walking this beautiful city with camera in hand has taught me so much, and I've become acquainted with many fantastic people along the way. Thanks for exploring Seattle with me everyday!

Monday, July 07, 2008

Trains Rumble By

Trains Rumble By

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

Two freight trains rumble slowly past each other on the railroad bridge just west of the Hiram M. Chittenden Locks at sunset. The bridge lifts and waits at a suspended angle when not in use so that tall-masted boats and larger ships can make their way through the ship canal to and from Puget Sound.

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Seattle's Vintage Neon

Vintage Neon

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

Seattle's Museum of History and Industry on 24th Ave. NE in the Montlake neighborhood's McCurdy Park features a small collection of vintage Seattle neon signs. There are still some shining examples in use around town like this famous one, or this, or this, all of which I featured back in 2006. (Can you tell I like neon!?) This 40s or 50s era glowing "Jesus Saves" sign has been a bright fixture of the Philadelphia Church in Ballard's Loyal Heights neighborhood on 24th Ave NW for many decades.

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Coffee & Salmon

Coffee & Salmon

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

Can you imagine creating graceful tapering spirals like these from sheets of metal? They are a common element in two of Paul Sorey's metal sculptures that have become very popular public art works in Seattle. In this mosaic I've captured 9 views of. Coffee Pot Pergola (2005) in the Lake City neighborhood, and 4 of Salmon Waves (2001) in Ballard at the Hiram M. Chittenden Locks. Can you tell which is which?

Friday, July 04, 2008

Independence Day In Seattle

Westlake Clock

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

Seattle will be celebrating the 232nd anniversary of America's Declaration of Independence with two huge fireworks displays, one on Elliott Bay and the other on Lake Union. This clock tower and flag in the Westlake neighborhood of Lake Union mark Julie's Landing. Those popular 10 passenger party boats are available there for rent from the Electric Boat Company (although I imagine they've all been reserved for today). The lake becomes a veritable flotilla of boats by late afternoon, and at 10 PM the fireworks begin. Today I'd like to say thanks and to remember brave and selfless citizens, leaders, and loved ones past and present who have served the people of this nation and sacrificed to gain and uphold the freedoms and civil rights we enjoy. Wishing everyone from the USA a lovely holiday enjoyed with friends and family.

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Seattlites Are Often on the Water

Sailing Lessons

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

Kids in the summer sailing program offered by the Seattle Yacht Club formed up in a line quickly as I was watching from the Eastlake neighborhood on the shores of Lake Union. It looked to me, from the way they handled their speedy little Lasers and 420s, that this wasn't their first time on the water in close formation :-). Sailing, rowing, kayaking and canoing are all popular water activities that many Seattle families enjoy together and individuals pursue as serious sport, like these two former UW rowers who will be doing Seattle proud at the 2008 Olympics in Biejing!

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Sunset Dinner

Sunset Dinner

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

This is a typical summer dinner scene on Puget Sound. Warm balmy breeze, lovely sunset, a menu that features fresh seafood served in an open air dining area over the water. It could be one of any number of Seattle area restaurants, and it is an experience no Seattlite or visitor should forgo during these long evenings of absolute perfection. I took this shot at 9:20 PM, and it happens to be of Anthony's Home Port (a chain restaurant) at Shilshole Bay, taken from the deck next door at Ray's Boathouse restaurant (a stand alone establishment). If a restaurant is not in the budget, a picnic supper at nearby Golden Gardens, Sunset Hill Park, or a bit north at Carkeek Park, or further south along Magnolia Bluff, Discovery Park, or up at Queen Anne's Marshall Park is just fine, too. We've waited soooo long for these summer evenings. Just get out there! For 5 more views of this sunset, click my More Seattle Stuff page.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Theme Day: Signs That Say No!


Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

It's the City Daily Photo Bloggers monthly theme day for July, picturing signs of what's not allowed. Even photography rights in public places have been controversial of late, so in private spaces scorn is to be expected. I had noticed several months ago that the downtown Macy's department store has lettering on every glass entry door that specifically admonishes me NOT to take any photos! It's right up there with the big no nos of smoking and soliciting. So when this month's theme was announced, I knew exactly what to do ;^). The employee watching me through the door from the cosmetic counter seemed relieved that I did NOT enter the store.

To see what is banned in Boston and elsewhere and how it's communicated in over 170 cities around the globe, take a look at these other CDPBlogs by clicking here to view thumbnails for all participants, or through the links below. Please leave us comments! Your feedback makes theme days really fun.

American Fork (UT), USA by Annie, Anderson (SC), USA by Lessie, Ararat, Australia by freefalling, Arradon, France by Alice, Ashton under Lyne, UK by Pennine, Aspen (CO), USA by IamMBB, Athens, Greece by Debbie, Auckland, New Zealand by Lachezar, Austin (TX), USA by LB, Avignon, France by Nathalie, Bandung, Indonesia by Harry Makertia, Barrow-in-Furness, UK by Enitharmon, Barton (VT), USA by Andree, Belgrade, Serbia by Bibi, Bellefonte (PA), USA by Barb-n-PA, Bicheno, Australia by Greg, Birmingham (AL), USA by VJ, Bogor, Indonesia by Gagah, Boston (MA), USA by Cluelessinboston, Brantford (ON), Canada by Nancy, Brighton, UK by Harvey, Brookville (OH), USA by Abraham, Bucaramanga, Colombia by Fernando, Bucharest, Romania by Malpraxis, Budapest, Hungary by agrajag, Budapest, Hungary by Zannnie and Zsolt, Canterbury, UK by Rose, Cavite, Philippines by Steven Que, Chandler (AZ), USA by Melindaduff, Château-Gontier, France by Laurent, Cheltenham, UK by Marley, Chennai, India by Shantaram, Chennai, India by Ram N, Chesapeake (VA), USA by ptowngirl, Christchurch, New Zealand by Michelle, Cincinnati, USA by Erik Laursen, Cleveland (OH), USA by iBlowfish, Coral Gables (FL), USA by Jnstropic, Corsicana (TX), USA by Lake Lady, Delta (CO), USA by Bill, Duluth (MN), USA by Sun Dog Press, Durban, South Africa by CrazyCow, East Gwillimbury, Canada by Your EG Tour Guide, Edinburgh, UK by Dido, Folkestone, UK by Piskie, Forks (WA), USA by Corinne, Fort Lauderdale (FL), USA by Gigi, Gaia, Portugal by m+p, Geneva (IL), USA by Kelly, Grenoble, France by Bleeding Orange, Gun Barrel City (TX), USA by Lake Lady, Hampton (VA), USA by ptowngirl, Haninge, Sweden by Steffe, Hanoi, Vietnam by Jérôme, Helsinki, Finland by Kaa, Hobart, Australia by Greg, Hyde, UK by Gerald, Jackson (MS), USA by Halcyon, Jefferson City (MO), USA by Chinamom2005, Jerusalem, Israel by Esther, Katonah (NY), USA by Inkster1, Knoxville (TN), USA by Knoxville Girl, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia by Edwin, Kyoto, Japan by 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(FL), USA by OrlFla, Palos Verdes (CA), USA by tash, Paris, France by Eric, Pasadena (CA), USA by Petrea, Pasadena (CA), USA by Can8ianben, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia by Murphy_jay, Petoskey (MI), USA by Christie, Phoenix (AZ), USA by Cheryl, Poplar Bluff (MO), USA by Tricia, Port Angeles (WA), USA by Jelvistar, Portland (ME), USA by Corey, Portsmouth (VA), USA by ptowngirl, Posadas, Argentina by Lega, Pretoria, South Africa by Sam Ruth, Quincy (MA), USA by Cluelessinboston, Ramsey, Isle of Man by babooshka, Reykjavik, Iceland by Vírgíll, Riga, Latvia by Riga Photos, Rotterdam, Netherlands by Ineke, Rouen, France by Bbsato, Saarbrücken, Germany by LadyDemeter, Saigon, Vietnam by Simon, Saint Louis (MO), USA by Strangetastes, Salem (OR), USA by jill, Salt Lake City (UT), USA by atc, Salt Lake City (UT), USA by Eric, San Antonio (TX), USA by Kramer, San Diego (CA), USA by Felicia, San Francisco (CA), USA by PFranson, Santa Fe (NM), USA by Randem, Seattle (WA), USA by Kim, Seattle (WA), USA by Chuck, Selma (AL), USA by RamblingRound, Sequim (WA), USA by Norma, Sesimbra, Portugal by Aldeia, Setúbal, Portugal by Maria Elisa, Sharon (CT), USA by Jenny, Silver Spring (MD), USA by John, Singapore, Singapore by Keropok, Sofia, Bulgaria by Antonia, Springfield (IL), USA by Aubrey, Stanwood (WA), USA by MaryBeth, Stavanger, Norway by Tanty, Stayton (OR), USA by Celine, Stockholm, Sweden by Stromsjo, Stouffville, Canada by Ken, Stratford, Canada by Barb, Subang Jaya, Malaysia by JC, Suffolk (VA), USA by ptowngirl, Sunshine Coast, Australia by bitingmidge, Sydney, Australia by Ann, Sydney, Australia by Julie, Székesfehérvár, Hungary by Teomo, Tamarindo, Costa Rica by David, Tel-Aviv, Israel by Olga, Tempe (AZ), USA by angie, Terrell (TX), USA by Bstexas, Terrell (TX), USA by Jim K, The Hague, Netherlands by Lezard, Tokyo, Japan by Tadamine, Torun, Poland by Glenn, Toulouse, France by Julia, Trujillo, Peru by Giulianna, Turin, Italy by Livio, Twin Cities (MN), USA by Slinger, 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Confidential, Wellington, New Zealand by Jeremyb, West Paris (ME), USA by crittoria, West Sacramento (CA), USA by Barbara, Weston (FL), USA by WestonDailyPhoto, Williamsburg (VA), USA by ptowngirl, Willits (CA), USA by Elaine,