
Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Evening Ride

Evening Ride

Photo & Text Copyright 2009 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

Two cyclists stop for a rest on the Seattle Center campus on a perfect summer evening. It is that time of year when Seattlites commonly take dinner outdoors and get outside after work to enjoy a favorite activity in the beautiful weather. I would venture a guess that next weekend these two gentlemen might be watching the start of 106th Tour de France next Saturday, July 4th. I hope Eric of Paris Daily Photo will once again this year share with us a shot of this exciting race when it reaches the streets of Paris?

Monday, June 29, 2009

Jackson Chalk Memorial at EMP

Jackson Chalk Memorial at EMP

Photo & Text Copyright 2009 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

It started Friday and went on through yesterday, the memorial tribute to Michael Jackson at the Experience Music Project. Jackson's signature glove and jacket were on display inside and the EMP Sky Church played his videos. Outside people moved to his music playing as they read and photographed the spontaneous chalk tributes others had left on the steps and sidewalk in front of the building. Just across Seattle Center's campus the International Fountain played Jackson's recordings and served as a gathering place for people wishing to gather to remember the King of Pop, and I noticed Easy Street Recods, just a few blocks away, had paid tribute on their lighted sign.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Blog Day: Where is Our Blogger?!

Where is Our Blogger?!

Photo & Text Copyright 2009 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

Today friends in the City Daily Photo Blog community are posting special photos from our cities around the globe to express our concern for our fellow CDPB blogger who has shared with us every day for years the beauty of the city and people of Iran's capital, Tehran. He disappeared on the streets of Tehran seven days ago and we are anxious to hear of his safety and whereabouts. Ours is a photoblogging, not a political community, but we must express our love and concern for someone just like each of the rest of us who shares one photo a day from our cities and enjoys friendship around the world. There is a tower in Tehran that a friend once told me Seattle's Space Needle reminded him of. So, from the Space Needle here in my city to the beautiful Milad tower in Tehran, which our blogging friend Amir began showing our community the construction of in 2006 and the lighting of in this photo in August of last year, I send my good wishes for his safe return and for the peace of the dear people of Iran in these present troubling times. Here is a green balloon for each day that has passed since we have learned of his disappearance. Similar balloons were let go all over Iran on Friday to express the Iranian people's wish for the right to peaceful demonstration and freedom of speech without fear of reprisal.
Click here to view thumbnails for all the CDPB special Blog Day: Where is Our Blogger? participants.

UPDATE: Amir has been released! our blogging friend reported at 12:06 PST today that , " I just got an email right now that Amir is released and is back home." What wonderful news!

UPDATE #2: Read this to find out how some detainees at Evin prison have been treated.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Seattle History at a Glance

Seattle History at a Glance

Photo & Text Copyright 2009 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

Just off Roosevelt in the Maple Leaf neighborhood you can take a half block stroll and get a graphic novel's worth of Seattle's heritage. I have always intended to stop as I've driven past this mural, and I finally did. Seattle's history and industry from 1850s European-American settlement through about the 1970s is depicted in this huge heritage mural best visible from the QFC market parking lot across the street. Don't worry, there is no quiz, but what parts might you recognize or know the stories behind? It was painted by artist and prolific muralist Larry Kangas, with lettering by Julie King and surface prep by Claude Beal. Painted sometime in the 1990s, it is aging gracefully. Close ups of sections are at my More Seattle Stuff site. Each vignette is very special in and of itself. There has been an update at some point, as the artist's photo shows different scenes on the extreme right end. The top of the Space Needle replaces a replicated World's Fair brochure, and Jimi Hendrix has been added at the edge.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Skywatch: Friday Night Casino Sky

Casino Sky

Photo & Text Copyright 2009 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

Friday night's sky seen from the freeway, passing a casino. It was after 9:00 PM. It is Skywatch Friday. Click the link to view skies around the world today.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Chocolati on 45th


Photo & Text Copyright 2009 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

I've shown you the Greenwood and Greenlake Chocolati shops before, and here, as promised as part of SDP's Seattle chocolate specialty shops tour which we started at Fran's Chocolates last month is Chocolati on 45th in the Wallingford where you can indulge in a truffle or sip a very fine mocha. Since I've sworn off sweets for the summer, make mine an Americano, and like the guy on the sidewalk, I'll just look for now, thank you! :-)

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Line at Molly Moon's


Photo & Text Copyright 2009 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

Molly Moon's Homemade Ice Cream is the favorite of several people I know and their kids. You might ask, "Is it that good?" Well, there is often a line at the Capitol Hill location. This was the first I'd seen such a long queue going out the door and down the block at the Wallingford shop. Several north end Seattle ice cream shops have shut in the past three years, so choices were slimmer when Molly Moon opened her doors last year, but I don't think that would account for the crowds. Molly and her staff have a passion for creating everything from locally grown and produced ingredients, and patrons seem to appreciate their creative efforts. What do you think? Do you have a favorite Seattle area creamery?

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Neighborhood Pathways

Neighborhood Pathways

Photo & Text Copyright 2009 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

Seattle being situated on many hills, locals in many neighborhoods utilize networks of public staircases and pathways to get around quickly and serenely. I was heading up this set of sairs on Queen Anne as a dad and three daughters were going down.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Fuel & ReFuel

Fuel & ReFuel

Photo & Text Copyright 2009 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

One of the Wallingford neighborhood's most popular coffee houses, Fuel, bears this distinctive old school style neon and bulb-lit arrow sign. I loved seeing it and its window reflection against that blue-gray cloudy evening sky. It's Monday, so time to wake up and smell the coffee and charge off into our work week.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Seattlites & Solstice

Seattlites & Sosltice

Photo & Text Copyright 2009 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

. . .it's an indescribably colorful vibe. The Fremont neighborhood plays host to the exuberant Solstice Parade on this day each year, and the party was still going strong on the sidewalks when I was there after dark. The spirit of big fun and celebration could be seen in a couple other neighborhoods I was in yesterday, as well. For example, I was just walking down the street in Revenna when a dozen or so costumed people tumbled out onto the sidewalk from an open doorway and a guy spontaneously began dancing with me as I was trying to pass. :-) Well, I had to stop and take their picture after that, right? Here are a few of them. They were celebrating a birthday a la 80s theme party and then were heading out on a pub crawl with all the other revelers and colorful characters in town. As lively as Seattle is on this day, I heard ancient Stonehenge drew a crowd of 40,000 for Solstice observance, and probably not a one in body paint! :-)

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Lovers' Rainfall


Photo & Text Copyright 2009 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

You can see the misty curtains of rain falling here. A couple enjoys a romantic moment watching it from the shelter of their umbrella. Seattle is experiencing rain for the first time in a month. After a record tying number of days with no recorded rainfall, the lawns all over town are prematurely brown unless they've had regular watering, like this city park on Queen Anne.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Skywatch: Summer Rain

Summer Rain

Photo & Text Copyright 2009 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

I was enjoying the view as I ate an early dinner of cioppino when I had to take shelter during a brief rain. It passed quickly and the sky was ever changing and beautiful. It is Skywatch Friday. Click the link to view skies around the world today.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Edith's Dear Things

Edith's Little House

Photo & Text Copyright 2009 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

If you've seen the Pixar smash hit "Up," this scene may seem familiar. The main character is an elderly man living in his home surrounded on three sides by development. I shared images of this little house many months ago when cranes were in view, and was walking by it recently and noticed the dear little knickknacks of the now deceased owner still grace the front windows. Edith Macefield, the elderly woman who owned this home did not wish to move when developers offered her a million dollars to buy her home. Although quite frail, she continued to live in it while construction went on all about her. The builder befriended her, helping her with her groceries, errands, and appointments and looking in on her to make sure she was okay. Edith passed away about half way through the construction of Ballard Blocks. A neighborhood tattoo artist has created an image of her little house that is reportedly quite popular among Ballard patrons. The little house hemmed in on three sides is kept neat as a pin, and the light is still on.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

One Man, Seven Figures

Six People Seven Figures

Photo & Text Copyright 2009 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

A window and a granite wall offer a unique perspective on the pedestrian and bus traffic on this busy downtown corner. This scene is almost like a contemporary version of Plato's cave.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Baguette Box & Epi Center

Bagette Box & Epi Center

Photo & Text Copyright 2009 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

Between Peet's Coffee & Tea and the shadow of the distinctive Epi Center Apartments in Fremont lies the fabulous Baguette Box where you will find some of the yummiest eats in town. A sandwich at Baguette Box is never mundane and always a treat.

Our City Daily Photo Blog community is rich in good friends. Among us are three young Iranians whose blogs I hope you might visit and read their thoughts and feelings during these uncertain times in their beloved country. One is in the capital city of Tehran, one is in the second largest city, Mashhad, and one is formerly of Mashhad and now a grad student in Portland, Oregon. These are just ordinary nice people, enthusiastic about photographing their cities and sharing them daily like the rest of us. They and their friends and families are experiencing an unfolding and uncertain drama, and they could use our best wishes and our prayers for a peaceful resolution to the outcry for full election disclosure. Amir, Sarah, and Meead, we are thinking of each of you and Iran with our hearts.

Monday, June 15, 2009

End of the Work Day

End of the Work Day

Photo & Text Copyright 2009 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

Heading home on foot or by car, this is downtown Seattle at the end of the workday. The waters of Elliott Bay and the hills of West Seattle are visible in the background. The traffic is from an exit of the Alaskan Way Viaduct. If I worked where I had a view of the bay, I would find it very distracting. Happy Monday, everyone. Now, get back to work! :-)

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Grateful Dead's Weir Quoted on Seattle Buses

Rat Dog and Greatful Dead's Weir Quoted on Seattle Buses

Photo & Text Copyright 2009 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

. . .I have to admit, I fell for a musician who was a cycling enthusiast. We shared the road for quite awhile ;^). Happy Sunday, everyone!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Ever Had a Day Like This?

Ever Had a Day Like This?

Photo & Text Copyright 2009 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

Struggling uphill on a scooter after work, this woman's day was made complete by stepping in gum. Talk about adding insult to injury! Luckily her ride pulled up to assist her just a couple steps further up the street. I was glad for her sake that those cool leg scooters are equipped with hand brakes. Remember when you were a kid wanting to try out crutches and wheelchairs. . .until you really had to use them, that is :-). It looks like a designer took a hint from children's scooters to develop this aid that keeps people mobile as they heal from their injury or surgery.

Hope you are enjoying a relaxing weekend.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Skywatch: This Stairway to Heaven Closed

This Stairway to Heaven Closed

Photo & Text Copyright 2009 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

This staircase at the Seattle Art Museum's Olympic Sculpture Park climbs to the clouds, literally and figuratively, but you can't go up there just now. The green sandwich board says it is closed for the night. Up top you can walk over to the colorful art installation called "Seattle Cloud Cover," part of a pedestrian walkway over a major railroad corridor. Here we have literal cloud cover at twilight for [swf3.jpg] Friday. Click the link to view skies around the world today.

I will be hosting one of the Seattle Scott Kelby Worldwide Photo Walks here at the OSP on July 18 from 5:45-7:45 PM with a dinner/dessert get-together after. So, if you will be in town, consider joining us for a fun evening of exploring with our cameras. There is also a SK Photo Walk in the Fremont neighborhood that same evening. Seattle is a photo paradise, so come enjoy. Or check for a SK Worldwide Photo Walk in your city. You might consider hosting one yourself.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Skipper Will Not Be Pleased

The Skipper Will Not Be Pleased

Photo & Text Copyright 2009 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

. . .when he or she learns someone has left a fender dangling while underway. :-) I believe this lovely vintage pleasure boat passing under the University Bridge is a 1950s Chris-Craft Flying Bridge Cruiser. Vintage wooden boats are a passion for many Seattlites, and it is fun to see so many great old boats with lovely lines so well taken care of and well used. If you come to Seattle this summer, you've got to get out on the water on one of the lakes or on Puget Sound to really experience what is a way of life for so many here. You can find some inexpensive resources to do that at this link and this one.

Sorry for the delayed posts. No internet access for a couple days, and just got the replacement DSL modem up and running. Thanks to those who contacted me with their concern.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Before & After

The vintage 1926 brick and terra cotta clad apartment building on N Highland Drive across from Kerry Park (below) was demolished to make way for this contemporary condominium complex. I haven't seen any occupation of the new residences yet, but imagine it won't be long until it is as full of life as the building it replaced. All cities change over time, and the boom in photography enthusiasts with digital cameras chronicling their neighborhoods all over the globe may prove to be a big boon to historians and archivists as time keeps marching by.

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Ready for Summer Fun

Ready for Summer Fun

Photo & Text Copyright 2009 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

They've got a few more days until school's out, but that's not stopping Seattle kids from enjoying our early summer weather and having some fun in the sun. Seattle Center's International Fountain is always popular and refreshing. Congratulations to high school and university students in the Class of 2009 who begin to enjoy their summer freedom this week. Best wishes for a bright and happy future!

Monday, June 08, 2009

This Was Last Night's Moon in Seattle

Frank's Moon

Photo & Text Copyright 2009 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

At certain times of year the full moon passes directly behind the space needle. Last night and the night before were such nights. Unfortunately, it was cloudy both days, but last night literally hoards of earnest photographers waited it out and got lucky. A spectacular moon rose above the clouds. There must have been over 50 photographers with tripods elbow to elbow all along the rail at Kerry Park, all chatting away and checking equipment and settings. Then the moon peeked from between layers of clouds, and as it rose fully visible, a noticeable hush fell and all I heard was the clicking of shutters. It was really fun to meet other photo enthusiasts and hear their stories of places they've traveled to shoot. I'm hoping that by next year I will be better at correctly exposing a shot like this and maybe have Photoshop or Lightroom to help me out as well. Thanks to Frank Melchior, a photographer I much admire, for telling me about the specifics of this moonrise and for the inspiration of his shots which are always perfectly exposed.

Sunday, June 07, 2009

Ready For Take Off


Photo & Text Copyright 2009 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

A Kenmore Air float plane readies for a take off from the south end of Lake Union, just in front of the old Naval Reserve building. I had assumed the Museum of History and Industry was going to make this its new home by now, but apparently not yet. Just behind the building it looks like phase two of building Lake Union Park is in full swing. Straight ahead beyond the boats in the marina, on the far side of Fairview Ave you can see the world renown "Hutch" where so much great cancer research goes on.

Saturday, June 06, 2009

Tangled Up In Pink

Tangled Up In Pink

Photo & Text Copyright 2009 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

I was taking candids of people downtown as they headed home from work. The fine weather has everyone wearing sunglasses. Scarves are a big fashion accessory for spring and summer this year. This woman's earphone wire was twisted up in her bright pink scarf. Steffe from Haninge Daily Photo in Sweden does lots of street shots like this and, unlike me, often introduces himself to his subjects and learns their names and a little something about them. Steffe saw this uploaded on my Flickr page and quipped: "Soon to be Pretty in Pink." Great one, Steffe!

Friday, June 05, 2009

Skywatch: Narcissus


Photo & Text Copyright 2009 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

Gazing at itself all day long. . .
The evening sky in Seattle lives up to that old TV show theme song, "The bluest skies you've ever seen, in Seattle. . ." To gaze UP at skies around the world, take a peek at [swf3.jpg] Friday.

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Ice Cubes in Da Water Bowl

Ice Cubes in Da Water Bowl

Photo & Text Copyright 2009 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

It is not even the dog days of summer yet, but pooches all over town are sweltering in the 85 degree heat. This pup was chillin in the shade outside a bookstore, and its owner had thoughtfully packed ice along with the collapsible water bowl for their outing.

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

2009 Seattle Skyline

2009 Seattle Skyline
Photo & Text Copyright 2009 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.
The mountain was out! Forgive me for this overdone, cliche Seattle view. I decided an updated view was in order since the new condo high rise Fifteen Twenty-one Second Avenue (near WAMU Center/SAM building in this shot) has just been completed and last year's shots show it under construction. The year before, it was non-existent in this view. Oh, and I almost missed it, just to the left of the Space Needle, that might be the Escala condominium highrise under construction on 4th Avenue. You can compare this shot with the black and white shot above to see the changes. I always love it when a couple elevators on the Space Needle are visible going up and down in these views.

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Too Much Is Enough

Too Much Is Enough

Photo & Text Copyright 2009 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

"Quo Amplius Eo Amplius Est! " A very rough translation of the motto carved around the tourret of this 1906 ultra detailed home on Queen Anne Hill might read Where Excess Marches On There is Enough, but don't quote me. :-) This is the most elaborately detailed house I've ever seen. There is nothing I've seen to rival it on the west coast, even among San Francisco's grand painted ladies. Everywhere you look there is some pattern, color, whimsically crafted detail. It is amazing and fun. I came across it by chance out photowalking the QA neighborhood on a gray day, and came back when it was sunny. Lots more detail shots at More Seattle Stuff.

Monday, June 01, 2009

Theme Day: Feet

We All Walk These

Photo & Text Copyright 2009 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

We all walk one of these. I was watching some locals walking a tightrope at last weekend's NW Folklife Festival. I thought of figurative painter Carol Aust's work which sometimes features ordinary people walking the tightropes of their lives, trying to make it despite economic odds, self doubt, juggling ten things at once, and carrying loved ones along as they balance on high. It was great to be able to observe carefully the techniques several walker's used to get across the line. This one's for you, Carol! A few more shots at More Seattle Stuff.

It is first of the month theme day for the City Daily Photo Bloggers. Now you can do some fancy footwork yourself and click here to view thumbnails for all participants to see how this theme has been interpreted all over the globe.