Tuesday, July 17, 2007

My Love

Photo & Text Copyright 2007 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

Passed away Monday, July 16, 2007, 11:00 PM, after a ten month struggle with brain cancer. Lover of Jesus; devoted husband, adored father, beloved brother, uncle, and friend; musician, SU law school student, CCS human services program coordinator, weekly volunteer for the GI Rights Hotline, industrial designer, skilled finish carpenter and 16 year member United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America Local 22; lover of the visual and performing arts, puppet theater, sailing, and bicycling. A sweet, dear, and compassionate man, rich in good friends.


Kate said...

Oh, Kim! What can I say?! There have been so many times I've wanted to ask you about him. You probably don't remember but about a year ago I stumbled upon one of your friend's blog with hints of this on it. I will right this minute light a candle on my Thailand Spirit Altar in his memory. My love and energy extends to you during this trying time.

Deb said...

Kim-Your friends in Minneapolis extend heartfelt sympathy at this time of profound loss.
Your photograph is perfect.

Chris and Deb

Janet said...

A very rich man indeed! A beautiful tribute. Thanks for sharing, and I am sorry for your loss.

Anonymous said...

The photo you posted is beautiful - it captures most of the qualities you posted in your post.

May you find comfort in the following words:

"Let the darkness come, for daylight will soon follow.
Let tears wash my eyes, for I need to see clearly.,
and smiles of joy will soon replace sorrow."

I too, am sorry for your loss.

aka Banan

Carol E. said...

Kim, I am so very sorry. How blessed you were to have him in your life. You wrote a wonderful tribute.

Steve Cuddihy said...

Sorry for your loss Kim. He has a great smile. Peace

Carol said...


I don't know anything but this man, but the kindness in his face and the sweetness of his expression tell much about what a wonderful, loving, compassionate man he so obviously was.

My heart goes out to you. When my mom died, I was numb for quite a long time. You'll deal how and when you're able.

Your blogging friends send one BIG hug to you and yours.


Eric said...

Oh my God Kim, this such a beautiful tribute; in writing and with this superb photo.

"Knowing" you, I am sure you did a very good job standing by him.

Sometimes life seems so unfair.

I wish I could help you with your grief.

May he rest in piece.

Susan said...

I clicked of this photo from the portal because he looks like such an interesting, charismatic fellow.
All the qualities you discribe, show in his portrait.
Please accept condolances from
your neighbour to the north.

Anonymous said...

Please accept my sincere condolances.

I saw this photo on the portal and thought 'I have to click on that' picture because the photograph has all of those qualities you described that we all want to capture in our portraits. This is a stunning photograph.

Lots of people will be thinking about you.

Abraham Lincoln
Brookville Daily Photo

Anonymous said...

My condolences.
My grandfather also had such a disease.
Beautiful photo and beautiful smile! Be strong.
I can't say anything more. I'm so sorry...

Anonymous said...

Kim, your tribute was very special and moving. Your husband was obviously a wonderful person who touched many people. My thoughts are with you.

Lavenderlady said...

What a wonderful smile...and a lucky man to have had you and all of his friends in his life. My thoughts, prayers, and wishes for healing in your loss are coming to you. Having lost someone in my life, my suggestion is to have those who knew him best share their stories of him that made them smile.

Gerald (Ackworth born) said...

All the best from over the water in Hyde, UK.

warmest hugs.

Elaine in the World said...

Kim, I am so sorry for your loss. May his memory always be a blessing to you and your family.

Unknown said...

I'm so sorry for the loss.
His smile is really nice.

May he rest in peace.

kirida said...

I'm sorry, Kim. My sincere condolences.

stromsjo said...

Our prayers, Kim. Take care.

Neva said...

I am so sorry for your loss... May you find comfort that he is now in comfort. Many prayers your way....

Ben Nakagawa said...

I'm terribly sorry for your loss. The contribute you made here is very special, I can see the person who had great passion for life and community. Take best care of yourself.


isa said...

I am deeply saddened by your loss and still can't help smiling back at his genuine expression of joy.
What a fantastic, full and rich life he led...
He's an inspiration to us all, and so are you, with this wonderful tribute to your love.
My thoughts are with you and your family.

iBlowfish said...

Kim, please accept my condolances. I am very sorry for your loss. He is in better place now. Our prayer are for you and your family.

Anonymous said...

Kim, I am so very sorry for your loss. My deepest sympathies for you and your family. Hugs your way from me.

Anonymous said...

Kim, I am so sorry for your loss. His smile made me smile.
My thought and prayers are with you and yours!

Jilly said...

What a beautiful tribute to a beautiful man. His love for you shines through his gentle eyes.

I am so very sorry for your loss.

Kim said...

Big thanks to each of you in the CDPB family for your very kind outpouring of concern and expressions of sympathy. I am very touched and appreciative.

I never thought we'd be parted at so young an age or that I'd be a single parent. Having many months to prepare for the loss, and experiencing the illness taking its awful course made the letting go somewhat easier and less bewildering for us all. His complete trust in god's goodness and his continuing dedication to the welfare of those around him gave us much comfort. It makes me happy to look at this photo from January, after tumor removal and radiation treatments were complete and when he felt relatively well and himself. Many thanks for all your good wishes.

JaamZIN said...

my deepest sympathy for your loss, Kim, my sincere condolences

Zannnie said...

I'm sorry for your loss and my deepest sympathies for you and your family. Hugs from me...

Z said...

Dear Kim, you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. May you find the peace and strength you need at this time, and always. Like others have said, the photograph is wonderful and conveys the warmth that you write about. {{Hugs}} from Villigen, Switzerland

Joy said...

Kim, will be sending you white light to help you in this very trying moment.

Prayers go out to you,
Norwich Daily Photo

Michael Salone said...

Oh Kim, I was so sad to hear this news. I do hope that you are finding comfort from friends and family and that includes your DP family. Please know that someone in Paris is thinking of you as you go through the times ahead. My deepest sympathy, Michael

Kittykat said...

So sorry to hear your sad news, Kim. You and your family will be in my thoughts.

Unknown said...

Your strength shines through this post, what a wonderful thing to have known a man like this. May God give you peace and surround you with many loved ones.


Port Angeles Daily Photo

Anonymous said...

A great image to remember great times.

Chris said...

I'm so sorry for your loss - I can tell by your photo what a special person he is. A big hug from Madison.

Anonymous said...

I'm very sorry to hear that. All my condolences to your and your family.

Fabrizio Zanelli said...

I'm so in late and I'm so sorry but I hope you will acceptPlease accept my sincere condolances.

The photo you psoted here shows all your love.

lv2scpbk said...

Sorry to hear this. Many prayers coming your way. The photo bloggers are here for you. Hugs!

MumbaiiteAnu said...

I'm so late but accept my condolences.
A lover of Jesus, rejoice for he is already with Jesus.
God Bless.

WichitaKsDailyPhoto said...

I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your husband, it must hurt a lot. Extending heartfelt sympathy from Wichita, to you.

M.Benaut said...

Dear Kim,
Please accept my sincere condolences at this sad time. Even though the light may one day shine a little more brightly, the light of happy memories will outshine.

Kris said...

was at the forum after a long absent and caught this news..so sorry kim. Please take good care of yourself. Hugs

Anonymous said...

i never knew you or your husband, but as a fellow GI Rights counselor, i want to express my condolences for your loss...it sounds like your husband was a beautiful soul.

Mike said...

Grace and Mercy to you and your family.

Anonymous said...

Kim was an enjoyable time when both of you were in pa. again I'am so sorry
so sorry for your loss,

edwin s said...

Godbless Kim.

Oya said...

Sorry for being late. Let's pray for him...

Sunkyoung said...

Sorry for this very belated condolence, but I can see the warm and eternal love of yours through the way he looks and smiles at you. May he rest in peace.

Jane VanderLaan said...

Hello Kim,

Just saw your post on the humans list and wanted to drop by and say how sorry I am for your loss. He's a great looking man and I can see how he easily won a place in your heart through his warm smile.

Brain cancer is tough -my dad died from it 20 years ago. May God be with you. With love, Jane

"Gone from mystery into mystery
Gone from daylight into night
Another step deeper into darkness
Closer to the light." - Bruce Cockburn

Anonymous said...

Hi Kim;
My condolensces to you & your family. I've lit a candle for you all at www.gratefullness.org May you find joy & peace in all your shared memories.
Love, Chris (the Hoosier Hottie)

Anonymous said...


I am a friend of Teresa Panepinto's. I was also a volunteer and supporter of Conscientious Objectors in Oakland.

I am deeply, deeply sorry for your loss. There are no words. But we all gain some consolation through the fact that his life was well lived, full of love, respect, and courage. (I lost my husband years back while still newlyweds.)

Your husband's life touches mine, which touches my work, which touches my community, and so forth.

We are all connected.... so thank you for giving us in the community that embraces you the humble opportunity to grieve along with you.

Su mas humilde servidora,
Pilar Gonzales

(I can be contacted at www.pilargonzales.com)