Sunday, August 09, 2009

Remember When?


Photo & Text Copyright 2009 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

Continuing our look at some vintage signs salvaged and reused by the shops in West Seattle's Luna Park area, this one reminds me of so many Googie style coffee shops and diners from my California childhood. I just love it. Makes me think of my parents, brother, grandmother and me all piling out of the car, sitting in a booth and having breakfast or pie and coffee, (or in my case, milk). My grandmother dunking her toast in her coffee, the klink of the spoon on my mom's cup as she added sugar and cream, my brother eating everything sequentially clockwise around his plate, my dad's smile as the good grub was delivered to our table by a cheerful waitress, just like he used to do as a teen helping his uncle Ritchie at his cafe in Atascadero. Amazing what a vintage sign can say, eh? :-)

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