
Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Sunset Moonrise

Crazy Pretty Sunset

Copyright 2008 Shawn/Slightlynorth. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing. No copying or use allowed.

It isn't often you get to see the sunset and the moonrise at the same time, considering they happen on the opposite sky from each other. To be fair, this is really the reflection of the sunset, but I still think I was pretty lucky to be at the right place to capture this. Please enjoy my favorite picture of Seattle.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Cool Late Afternoon Light

Cool Late Afternoon Light

Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing. No copying or use allowed.

After spending the better part of the day helping a friend move from Bellevue to Seattle, we went for a late lunch in South Lake Union. As we were leaving the restaurant I was floored by the blue light tinting the entire city to match the icy winds coming from the south. What you are seeing here is the water of Lake Union and boats in one of the many marinas around the lake. In the background you can see the city's towers along with a TON of cranes. There is a huge amount of new construction in the South Lake Union neighborhood, including's new campus.

Monday, December 29, 2008

What A Difference 30 Minutes Make

What A Difference 30 Minutes Make

Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing. No copying or use allowed.

Oh, hi there. I'm Shawn. I told Kim I would be sharing new pictures with all of you (actually, I should say "us", since I am a huge fan of this site as well). I have to admit that I cheated just a little bit for this first one though. I took these photos a couple of days ago and thought they would be a good introduction to my corner of Seattle; West Seattle.

As you probably already know, Seattle has had some crazy snow over the last couple of weeks. It was so strange to look outside and actually see snow AND fog, so I snapped a quick shot. Not 30 minutes later I looked outside again and saw an actual sunset. Since the forecast shows rain for pretty much the foreseeable future, I hope this is a reminder of just how amazing Seattle can be.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Chilled Curls

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing. No copying or use allowed.

Ah, the Sunday after Christmas and the rain has melted away all but a trace of snow here in Seattle. I took some shots of the chilled curls of the Salmon Wave sculptures at the locks while they were still snow dressed. I will be spending this week catching up with myself and have asked another of my favorite Seattle photographers to share his particular gifts and vision with us for a week starting tomorrow. This will conclude the guest photographer series.

I have been a follower and admirer of Slightlynorth's camera work for a couple years now through his photostream on Flickr. He shoots all over town and must pack his camera at all times as he is very prolific. He is well acquainted with the huge posse of Seattle's digital photographers who regularly get together for fun and to encourage each other in photography skills. Shawn's images have an edge to them that I really enjoy, often employing a wide angle lens or trying new techniques, and always covering something really interesting and esentially Seattle in a refreshing way. He has documented a lot of Seattle's street art and I have learned a lot about these ephemeral works through his attentive lens. I know he likes a lot of the same things I do: sushi, cats, art, music, this beautiful city, camera gear, people, and a new slant on things. I know you will enjoy seeing his unique insider's take on Seattle and can't wait for you to meet him and experience the scenes he walks through, so take a peek here! Thanks for leaving him comments and welcoming him into the City Daily Photo community this week. Enjoy, and I'll pop in on theme day :-).

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Still and Bright

Photo & Text © 2008, Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

We arrived home last night to a very quiet Boxing Day scene, having missed the height of the big white dump drama and the airport shutdown nightmare it caused a few days ago. The main roads and freeways are clear of snow now, but the neighborhood streets are deep with slush, and median turn lanes still have 8 to 10 inches to contend with.

I want to extend huge thanks and deep appreciation to you, Penseroso, for sharing your wonderful work with us this past week. You gave me a double holiday: a rest and a great view! Having sampled this brief week's worth of Ervin Vice's portfolio, I hope all of you SDP readers will indulge yourselves in a full portion of his hundreds of images (click here) as you have leisure to do so this weekend. Grab a cuppa, and point your browser here to begin a feast for the eyes. You will find his urban Seattle scenes to be highly original and drop dead gorgeous. And this news just in. . .check out his own new blog Alegro - Penseroso. Thanks to all of you who visited and welcomed him so warmly while I was away!

Friday, December 26, 2008

Railroad Crossing

Railroad Crossing, originally uploaded by penseroso.

photo and text © ervin vice

There are many approaches to street photography.

I've seen Youtube instructional videos of photographers quite literally getting right in people's faces and snapping off shots, even with flash. Of course, that was New York City, where sidewalks are very crowded and people cannot avoid you easily. I even saw a photographer get into a loud verbal joust with a passerby who objected to his presence. Suffice it to say the photographer won that round.  Again - that was New York City.

This is Seattle. Photographers stand out here.  I do, anyway. And sane people do not engage in loud arguments on the street.  But I think I found a way around the dilemma (sanity is always a dilemma, isn't it?).

Locate an interesting backdrop that also happens to be in a spot where people have to pass if they are going to get from A to B. It also helps if you are doing this during the work day, when people are too busy to be bothered by you and your snooping. Simply stand off to the side and wait.

This was one such place and one such time. It was taken in an alley behind Qwest Field during the lunch hour. The guy actually saw me right before I took this shot, but he was obviously on a schedule, and wasn't going to waste time asking me what I was up to. He simply continued on course, his head no doubt filled with work and meetings and money, as is the case with most sensible people at that time of day.

I do think, however, that he should have looked both ways before crossing those tracks.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Scrooge at Dawn

space needle at dawn, originally uploaded by penseroso.

photo and text © ervin vice

Well, first of all, I hope everyone is having a great Christmas. And I know that I should be posting something Christmasy . Well, I don't mean to be a Scrooge, but I don't feel like doing that. Instead, I'm stuck in the past, specifically, the morning when the clouds at dawn were ablaze in colors that probably hadn't been invented yet. Ask Kim - she'll vouch for me. She was out taking shots on the same morning and she'll tell you it really looked like this - no Photoshop (which I don't even have)! This was the JPG right out of the camera. When Nature gives you a gift like this, you don't argue; you take it and say thank you. Oh darn - I wrote something Christmasy after all!

NOTE: My name is not Kim. Kim is away on vacation, as explained by her on the 19th. All photos posted on this blog beginning on the 20TH have been courtesy of Yours Truly. Don't worry, though - Kim will be back soon. :-)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Dick's at Dawn

dick's at dawn, originally uploaded by penseroso.

photo and text © ervin vice

I was all on fire early one morning last summer, testing out my new Nikon D300 and trying all sorts of fun stuff with it.

I saw this apparently empty cab parked on the side of the road in lower Queen Anne and immediately felt inspiration take hold of me. Rather than wonder where the driver went, instead I wondered what kind of shot I could get if I looked through the cab and across the street. Its windows were open to the balmy air, so I knew I could get a clear view. I assumed position right beside the cab on the drivers side and started firing off frames.

The shutter on the D300 is rather noisy, so I shouldn't have been surprised when the driver bolted upright and stared straight into the camera, eyes as big as plates. He'd been sprawled out across the passenger seat, sleeping between fares.

"Oh, it's OK," I said, nonchalantly, "I'm just taking pictures" - as if that explained everything.

"Oh," he said, and promptly fell back down to resume his sleep.

I wish security guards had his attitude.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

May I Help You?

May I Help You?, originally uploaded by penseroso.

photo and text © ervin vice

Cats are as big a draw as the books at Twice Sold Tales on Capitol Hill. When my wife and I decided to visit the store's new location, it was partly to see how well the cats were adjusting. Our impression was that they had settled in very nicely. In fact, it seemed that every time I turned a corner and headed down a new aisle, another furry assistant approached me with a friendly smile before turning, tail in the air and back arched jauntily, and leading the way. I half expected one of them to offer a few suggestions. I presume they hid all the copies of T.S. Eliot's "Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats". They're not going to let just anyone get their hands on that title.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Warmer Days

originally uploaded by penseroso.

photo and text © ervin vice

I measured eight inches of snow in my yard from three different readings in three different spots. My scientific conclusion is that we got a dumping.

I remember rejoicing in snow when I was a kid. Living in places like Buffalo and New Hampshire, I had much rejoicing to do.  With adulthood I have come to loathe it. Perhaps age has thinned my blood, weakened my flesh and dimmed my spirit. Suffice it to say, winter gets the better of me now, and I flee from it in terror.

I found these street performers down at Pike Place Market one afternoon last summer. This shot makes me think of warmer days. It's a welcome respite right about now.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Faithful in Battle

Terracotta Kitties, originally uploaded by penseroso.

photo and text © ervin vice

When the Chinese Terracotta Army was unearthed in 1974, most of the attention was focused on the soldiers, which seems reasonable enough. What few people realize, though, is that these warriors were accompanied not only by horses, chariots, musicians and acrobats, but by cats. No self-respecting soldier in Qin's army ever went anywhere without his faithful feline - not even to do battle for his emperor. I'm surprised that even the wikipedia article doesn't mention this!

Saturday, December 20, 2008


Aperture, originally uploaded by penseroso.

photo and text © ervin vice

Hi Folks!

Kim asked me to guest spot for her on the blog while she enjoys some holiday travel. Like Kim, I gad about town with my camera a lot and shoot whatever strikes my fancy.

This scene caught my eye a few weeks ago down on Pier 66.

When taking photographs of Seattle's skyline, it can be a challenge to avoid the Space Needle - a challenge not unlike the one a moth would face if trying to avoid a lamp. But it can be done.

Friday, December 19, 2008

December at the Lockspot Cafe

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

One of our family members works near this world famous cafe, so while paying him a visit yesterday I took the opportunity to do a bit of a photowalk in the snow along the ship canal, and then we had dinner here at the Lockspot. . .inside, of course :-).

We are going on holiday to the SF Bay Area this week, so I'd like to introduce you to SDP's first ever guest photographer, Ervin Vice in whose capable hands I'm leaving you tomorrow. I know him by his "nom de lens," Penseroso. I know you will come to admire his work as much as I do. I can't muster enough superlatives to describe his ability to create stunning images of Seattle and just about anything else he aims his lens at. I became acquainted with his passion for making gorgeous shots a couple years ago and have been a big fan ever since. Please make him feel at home during his week in the City Daily Photo community. And, DO ask him about his two handsome cats! :-)

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Twinkling on the Hill

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

Each December one of the broadcasting companies decorates its tall tower, one of three atop Queen Anne Hill. There are another three on Capitol Hill, all twinkle somewhat, but this one adorned with holiday lights goes into overdrive like a la Tour Eiffel wannabe :-).

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Real Garage Band

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

I was walking past the Mar Queen Garage last night when I heard live music inside and peeked through the grimy garage door window. These guys were practicing despite the freezing cold temps outside. It has been awhile since I've seen an actual garage band, and they sounded great. I could only glimpse the guitarist and bass player tucked among the cars, but could hear a drummer back there as well.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

December Scene

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

Snow drifts and holiday decorations adorned the scene of these Seattle residences at the Victoria Apartments, which I've shown you in summer before here. We have a tradition in our family sparked by years of living amidst multistory residences in San Francisco. We count the number of Christmas trees we see in lighted windows at night as we are going somewhere. Whoever has the most sightings wins, usually just the admiration of the rest of us :-). It is fun to see the artistry and traditions people display this time of year.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Blue Sparkly Bokeh

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

I thought we might start the week with an abstract of some sparkling tree lights in cool shades of blue. This is what my eyes do when they are tired and and kind of zone out on me :-). Baby, it's COLD outside (for Seattle at least. . .yeah, I know we are wusses). It got down to about 18F last night and may reach 30F at its warmest today. There is just a thin crust of icy snow blanketing yards so no snow day for children. . .until perhaps Wednesday when more is due.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Snow Outside, Cozy Inside

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

If this image is confusing, it is because you are looking out at the snowfall from inside the cozy interior of Chocolati in Greenwood, but the store interior is reflected in the glass: two views melded into one image. Walking out into the snowy night after a babysitting gig last night, my daughter was too excited to call it a night, so we drove across town for some very special peppermint hot chocolate and a mocha extraordinaire. Fortified and warmed within, we ventured out into the cold white stuff once more.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Luminarias & Snowfall

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

A fun and festive December Green Lake tradition, the nearly 3 mile path around the lake became a "Pathway of Lights" bordered with thousands of paper bag luminarias tonight. Paddlers around the periphery of the lake passed by in canoes and kayaks adorned with lights and inflatable holiday decor. All this for the benefit of thousands of Seattlites who came out to walk the lake and were greeted by the start of snowfall at about 7:00 PM. I heard people caroling as they walked, some ringing sleigh bells, many decked out in their own Christmas lights and glowing decorations like the person here with the blue squiggles. Some even used lights to decorate their dogs and baby strollers. The beginning of the snow only made things seem more magical. Come on, sing it with me now. . ."a beautiful sight, we're happy tonight, walking in a winter wonderland." More shots here.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Water Table

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

The smooth surface of water flowing over a huge stone table reflects the interior and exterior of the Federal Courthouse lobby. Of course, like any fountain, you can see coins have been tossed in. I hope they got their wishes!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Maintaining the View

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

Two high rise window washers descended into my view from an 18th floor south-facing window in the Federal Courthouse. Think you might want to rappel down a skyscraper for a living? They actually swing right and left to reach corners! More interesting shots on my More Seattle Stuff page, including a view of them from the ground outside (not for the faint of heart). That building beyond them to the right with the cobalt blue glass crown is the nearly completed Olive8 which will house a Hyatt Hotel in its bottom floors and high end condos in its upper floors. I'm liking the shock of blue its design elements are giving the street scape around it.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

1700 7th Ave

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

So much new construction has occurred in Seattle in the last ten years. Some spectacular architecture and some ho-hum now graces the skyline. I thought this was an attractive high-rise. This is the north elevation and tallest portion of the 2001 complex built on three levels. It is occupied mostly by Nordstrom employees and Merrill Lynch holds the top four flours.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Retiring the Colors for the Day

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

I happened to pass by when this man was lowering the flag of the great state of Washington from the center flagpole of a downtown hotel (behind him). He carefully folded it and put it away. This was something I used to see frequently at school in my youth, but doesn't seem to be common practice anymore, at least at the local schools which leave flags up night and day. The other two flags aloft were the US flag and the 12th Man flag (fans of the Seattle Seahawks football team refer to themselves as the 12th man on the team).

Monday, December 08, 2008

Legal Ascent

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

These attorney's are heading back up the stair case to federal court after grabbing some coffee at a nearby cafe. They were framed in the grid of a parking garage window, reminding me of some sort of living graph.

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Hotel Max

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

Hotel Max is a boutique hotel housed in an older multistory building at Stuart Street and 7th Avenue. Billed as the most artistic hotel in downtown Seattle, it appeals to travelers who appreciate contemporary and modern art and design. They incorporate over 300 original works by Seattle area artists and photographers into every dimension of the establishment.

Saturday, December 06, 2008

Escape Artist

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

It took three or four tries before the photographer, giant puppet held aloft, and an "elf" wrangler could coax this little guy to stay in the chiar long enough to snap a shot where he wasn't in motion and was looking toward the camera. In fact, click here to see how Santa had to sneak in behind him without being noticed in order to get somthing approaching the archetypal shot, cuz there was no way this child was going to sit on anyone's lap. He may only be two or so, but his thinking made perfect sense to me, too. I'm all for photos, and I'm all for fun and tradition, but sitting with a santa is a lot less frazzling for all concerned if it happens because it is the child's idea. The child was a happy camper when he left with his treat, though. He never knew he'd had his picture taken with Santa! Apparently I wasn't the only person who thought his antics cute!

Friday, December 05, 2008

No Charlie Brown Tree This Year

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

This year's downtown Christmas tree on display at Westlake Center is tall and lush, dispelling any fears of a repeat of last year's disappointing sparse, bare offering that needed many branches added in. Add ornaments, lights, and a few wires to hold things steady in a wind, and voila!

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Paintbox Sky

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

Just had to show you this skyshow silhouette. Seattle's sunrises and sunsets are reason enough to visit, even in the colder months.

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Only a Few Left

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

Shadow of a tree on blue striped wall, a few autumn leaves still remaining on a chill December sunny afternoon. It always fascinates me how shadow silhouettes can have such unfocused and sharp areas.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Northwest Puppet Center Keet

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

The Northwest Puppet Center in Seattle's Maple Leaf neighborhood is a regional treasure. The average American thinks of puppetry as being an art form for children, unaware for the most part of the rich and sophisticated puppet theater traditions of Europe and Asia. The puppeteers of the Carter Family Marionettes are world class performers and puppet makers. Their productions delight and the rich detail of their sets and puppets would be the envy of any designer from the live stage. I grew to love puppet theater through my husband's infectious admiration for the art. We were so fortunate to see a Japanese national touring Bunraku company perform in San Francisco (we were seated right behind Diane Finestein!), and a Sicilian national company perform "Orlando Furioso" in Marin, and an Indonesian company complete with gamelan orchestra perform the most amazing shadow puppet works, plus countless productions of famed puppeteers, Lewis Mahlman and Randal Metz in Oakland. So, to find Seattle is home to one of America's premiere puppet theaters is a thrill. The Carter family are among the most practiced and professional troupes in the nation. The puppet center they founded has been developed on the site of a former church and includes a museum, theater, outdoor picnic area, and a large children's playground which features this carved climbing Keet.

Monday, December 01, 2008

Theme Day: Circles and Spheres

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

Can you find at least 16 circles in this neonized photo of Seattle's Wedgewood neighborhood Top Pot Doughnut shop? More than 30? Oooo, you're good! This tres chic west coast midcentury modern looking shop, complete with flood lighted palm trees, looks to be a converted 1950s/1960s gas station.
To see what monthly theme interpretations City Daily Photo Bloggers around the globe found to show you in their cities, click here to view thumbnails for all participants and start your tour of 187 cities. Please be sure to leave a comment for folks you visit. . .let us know what your favorite shots were this month!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Don't Forget to Grab Your Bike

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

In a city perched on many steep hills around several bodies of water, these bike racks on the front of Sound Transit and Metro buses are a welcome aid to cyclists trying to find solutions to getting past obstacles in their commutes. A nice backup for the occasional flat when you've left your pump home, too :-).

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Downtown Arrival

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

Transportation via bus in Seattle is quick and reliable (this spoken from someone with years of commute time racked up on rapid transit, light rail, and bus in San Francisco and the East Bay). Considering the price of parking downtown, bus fares are a bargain and many people choose to visit their favorite shopping areas via Metro services.

Friday, November 28, 2008

University Ave

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

Evening shoppers wait for traffic crossing University Ave. Many a student in many an era has walked through this scene. The U District was looking a little deserted this Thanksgiving weekend, but University of Washington students will be back in force Monday for the start of their last two weeks of classes and finals before the winter break. That route 30 Metro bus is taking riders south along the avenue which is decked with festive stars.

Thursday, November 27, 2008


Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

On this Thanksgiving Day I'm thinking of my generous parents who made a wonderful life for me and my brother and shared so much of what they had with friends, family, and perfect strangers over the years. I'm thankful for churches, organizations and individuals who share their time and resources with the poor and take risks, leaving personal comfort zones to show friendship and care through personal and collective action. As the weather turns cold and economic worries have everyone wondering "will we have enough?", it's good to take stock of what is important in life and keep sharing with each other. Seattlites are such generous folks. Thanks to everyone who is making food donations, serving community meals, distributing warm clothing and sleeping bags, providing shelter and showers, caring for kids and the elderly, giving gifts to community organizations, and making life a little easier for someone who could use a lift to their spirits.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Greenlake Silhouette

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

A cold afternoon didn't deter runners and walkers around Greenlake from fitting in some activity before tomorrow's Thanksgiving feast and the start of a long weekend of fun and family gatherings. Hope your pies turned out well :-). Ours are cooling as I write this, and their fragrance is wafting through the house. We hit the road for Portland in the morning and a fun day with dear friends. Wishing all of you in the USA a wonderful Thanksgiving tomorrow! Will you be a host or guest, or have alternate plans for the day?

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Moving Through the Arch

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

An end of the work day stream of traffic flows under the Washington Convention and Trade Center's goliath clear barrel arch that covers Pike Street for a full block. It has redefined the space for seven years now and unifies the two sides of the street. I notice some lovely spangles adorning the arch's interior right now.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Autumn Velocouture

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

Still sporting summer's cotton crop pants with her fall suede boots , this cycling lass is waiting for pedestrians to clear an intersection before she turns a corner in her downtown commuted home. The rain is just starting on this chill autumn evening. Two small cards adorn her front spokes, one has a great owl graphic advertising an event at Cal Anderson Park in Capitol Hill.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Coffee Colored Sky

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

Where else but Seattle? :-)
I'm not sure of the properties of light that create this appearance in an overcast night sky, but I have gotten this coffee brown color in cloudy or rainy night shots before. These colors are straight out of the camera with no alteration, and that's the top of the old WaMu building. Maybe it's less cappuccino colored and more Theo chocolate colored? Or is it Market Spice cinnamon tea colored? ;^)

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Interior View on a Rainy Evening

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

This is the rotunda entrance of the City Centre building at 5th and Pike with a view of the rainy streets and sidewalks outside. The street trees are alight and festive decorations already adorn much of downtown as Seattle readies itself for the holidays. Festivities kick off in a hometown sort of way the day after Thanksgiving with the Macy's parade in the morning, and that evening the 51st lighting of the Bon Marche/Macy's Star and the lighting of the Westlake Center Christmas tree at 5 PM, followed by a grand fireworks display. All that will take place about a block away from this building in the core of downtown's shopping district next Friday. Seattlites turn out in very large numbers to enjoy the long-held Thanksgiving weekend traditions together. Lights, festivals, feasting and holiday activites will flow on from there throughout the city and at Seattle Center's month long Winterfest, complete with ice skating, Nutcracker performances, and free Saturday night bonfires. The fun keeps on rolling right through Advent, Las Posadas, Hanuka, Kwanzaa, Solstice, Yuletide, Christmas, Shogatsu, and ending with the New Year's fireworks display at the Space Needle.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Rugged Mountains & Cormorant

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

Here is the peak-filled view looking east across Lake Washington toward Stevens Pass in the Cascade range. A cormorant is sunning itself on a white piling after drying its wings, and a mother and daughter visit with the ducks.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Alki Cheap Date Night

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

Lots of small eateries and cafes are crammed into a popular stretch along Alki beach. Many offer enticing specials for lunch or dinner. Now that our Pacific Northwest early evenings are darker and chillier, the lighted signs make a cheerful welcome to come in from the beach and the wide bike and pedestrian path to enjoy a warm meal. Might you head upstairs or downstairs here?

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Lake Washington Autumn

Photo & Text Copyright 2008 Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing.

Two cyclists take a stretch at Matthews Beach. The Burke-Gilman trail offers splendid views across Lake Washington, here looking northeast across the northern finger of the lake to an area near Denny Park on the Eastside. Hope your day is as pleasant as ours here today, where the sun is shining in a hazy blue sky and the mountain is "out" :-) .