Photo & Text © 2008, Seattle Daily Photo. All rights reserved, including reproduction or republishing. We arrived home last night to a very quiet Boxing Day scene, having missed the
height of the big white dump drama and the airport shutdown nightmare it caused a few days ago. The main roads and freeways are clear of snow now, but the neighborhood streets are deep with slush, and median turn lanes still have 8 to 10 inches to contend with.
I want to extend huge thanks and deep appreciation to you,
Penseroso, for sharing your wonderful work with us this past week. You gave me a double holiday: a rest and a great view! Having sampled this brief week's worth of
Ervin Vice's
portfolio, I hope all of you
SDP readers will indulge yourselves in a full portion of his hundreds of images (
click here) as you have
leisure to do so this weekend. Grab a cuppa, and
point your browser here to begin a feast for the eyes. You will find his
urban Seattle scenes to be highly original and drop dead gorgeous. And this news just in. . .check out his own new blog
Alegro - Penseroso. Thanks to all of you who visited and welcomed him so warmly while I was away!